Welcome to the Finance-Accounting-Control thematic team's collection

The Finance-Accounting-Control (FCC) thematic team brings together researchers around the financial and accounting issues of public and private organizations The scientific project of the FCC team focuses more particularly on 1 / the development and implementation of financial management, accounting and organizational control tools 2 / the analysis and measurement of financial risk 3 / financial communication and accountant.

Research topics

  • Organizational finance: performance and governance
    • Governance of private and public organizations
    • Management of financial assets and financial institutions
  • Communication and accounting and financial representations
  • Design and use of control and performance measurement tools


  • Develop quality scientific production, in conjunction with the HCERES and FNEGE assessment grids
  • Support young researchers in the success of their doctoral work
  • Establish local and national roots through recognized approaches and expertise
  • Disseminate the work of researchers internationally

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