index - DAMAS - Design of Alloy Metals for low-mAss Structures

The Laboratory of Excellence ‘DAMAS’ (Design of Alloy Metals for low-mAss Structures) is approved within the ‘Investment in the future’ action of the French Government in the 2012 Campaign initially for 8 years. Following an audit in 2018 it is now extended for another 5 years. The metallurgists of two laboratories, the LEM3 (Laboratory of Microstructure Studies and Mechanics of Materials, Metz) and the IJL (Jean Lamour Institute, Nancy) constitute the Labex DAMAS..

A financial support of 7.5 M€ is accorded for the first period and 3 M€ for the second.

The head of the DAMAS is Pr. Sabine DENIS (IJL).

Deputy director: Pr. Benoit APPOLAIRE (IJL) and Pr. Thierry GROSDIDIER (LEM3).


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