IDEA, the English Studies research group at the Université de Lorraine, is dedicated to the study of interdisciplinary theories and practices related to the language, literature and civilisation of English-speaking countries. The group focuses especially, though not exclusively, on English studies in France, which have traditionally been organised along strictly defined disciplinary lines (linguistics, literature and civilisation). In recent years, French scholarship has become increasingly open to interdisciplinary approaches, yet such interdisciplinarity has rarely been itself the object of scientific reflection.

IDEA organizes conferences and seminars dedicated to the advancement of research, both theoretical (conceptualizing the field of inderdisciplinary studies) and practical (applying those theories examined), in the field of interdisciplinary research in English, and publishes the series “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the English-speaking World” with the University of Nancy Press.

IDEA is oriented principally along three research poles and their various interdisciplinary projects.


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