Based on its expertise in the field of nano-sciences, the "Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics" group develops and characterizes new materials with functional properties. The guiding principle is the understanding and control of the correlation between physical properties and structure of materials, mainly at the nanometric scale. The researchers mainly look for optical emission properties induced by optical excitation, non-polarized electrical injection or spin-polarized electrical injection.
The materials studied by the group are semiconductors, particularly nanocrystals, 2D materials, and ferromagnetic layers for spin injection in semiconductors. The group's various research topics fall within the theme of nanomaterials for optoelectronics and are divided into two main scientific areas:
- Semiconductor nanostructures for optics
- Spintronics in semiconductors
In each of these areas, the group relies on its cross-disciplinary skills in development, optoelectronic characterization and characterization by associated electron microscopy and spectroscopies.
Materials are developed within the group using ultra-high vacuum elaboration methods such as reactive evaporation, molecular beam epitaxy and sputtering.
The optical and optoelectronic properties of the materials are mainly analysed using photoluminescence and electroluminescence measurement devices, which can be spin resolved.
The transport properties are studied using current-voltage characterization devices, under magnetic field, and photo-current measurements. All characterization tools are equipped with helium cryostats. The group also has expertise in transmission electron microscopy and associated spectroscopies such as X-ray spectroscopy and energy loss spectroscopy
These research subjects are carried out with the support of many collaborations, both internal (Nanomagnetism and Spintronics; Surfaces and Spectroscopies; Optical and Electrical Properties of Thin Layers for Energy groups) and external, within the framework of national or international projects (details can be found in the description of the axes).