The Process Metallurgy group is specialized in the field of metallic materials process engineering, a novel thematic attempt to bring the “process engineering” scientific approach into the academic and industrial “materials” community. It requires various skills in domains such as thermodynamics, transport phenomena, continuum mechanics and numerical techniques. A key point in all research works is the theoretical or/and experimental study of coupled transfers (fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, etc.)

An important activity is the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of pyrometallurgical processes. Thanks to the continuous improvement in numerical methods, the research in this area has considerably developed, and provides new effective scientific tools, such as multiscale and multi-physics software.

Nevertheless, the experimental part is in no way neglected, as it is required for:

  • characterization of the physical and chemical mechanisms involved during the processing and treatment of metallic materials
  • validation of the numerical models by means of laboratory scale measurements, as well as experiments achieved on pilot plants when available, and full-scale production units.

Experiments on actual “full scale” production plants represent an original approach in which the group has gained a strong experience.

Almost all studies are performed in tight collaboration with the process users in the industry, mostly in the frame of PhD works.

The research group also hosts the Industrial Chair “Liquid Metal Processing”, launched in 2019 at the Université de Lorraine and funded by local institutions as well as an industrial consortium composed of 5 companies: ArcelorMittal, Aperam, Eramet-A&D, Safran and Vallourec.


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