The Mechanical Physics and Plasticity group studies the microstructures and elementary mechanisms of deformation and damage to materials. Its research activity takes advantage of the complementary skills of specialists in metals, polymers and composites.
With a long expertise in the design of original assemblies, the group links physical and mechanical laws of behavior established from experimental tests according to different deformation paths coupled with an in situ technique of experimental characterization.
Some recent developments include:
- couplings: mechanical tests (VideotractionTM Patent FR No.2,823,849) / Raman spectroscopy (Patent FR 2981452 (B1) / WO 2013054062 N ° 1159297) / X-ray diffraction on polymers
- the development of a high resolution diffraction technique suitable for monocrystalline superalloys.
A large part of the group's work uses X-ray diffraction or X-ray synchrotron tomography during in situ experiments on installations such as ESRF, DeSy, ELETTRA which allow measurements in real time.
The acquisition of a 3D stereocorrelation device, coupled with a videotractionTM test and / or a bulge test (bulge test), makes it possible to probe the multiaxial mechanical properties (full field and out of field).
The strength of the group is therefore based on the use of three complementary approaches:
- Development of experiences (in situ coupling),
- Theoretical models (law of behavior)
- Simulations (FFT modeling, finite elements)
This research responds to several important societal challenges, such as: transport, environment, health and energy. This research is financially supported by the LabEx DAMAS (LABoratory of EXcellence Design of Alloy).