The state of knowledge of the effects of micro/nanometric particles in air pollution and those developed for cancer therapy has led to fears about the effects of man-made nanoparticles on health.

However, few reliable data, i.e. reproduced by different research groups, are currently available in this field.

The Nanomaterials and Health group's project aims for a systemic and transversal approach, synonymous with multidisciplinarity.

Its approach is stimulated by the ability to synthesize innovative nanomaterials designed to interact with living organisms.

Furthermore, the members have know-how in the control of risks for humans and their environment.

The group applies the following 3 study paradigms in its work:

  • Safe by Process for the development and implementation of nano-objects and nanomaterials
  • Safe by Design that covers all aspects of the life cycle of the nano-product including recycling and end-of-cycle disposal
  • Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship to predict the toxicity of any type of newly synthesised nanomaterial


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