Observing, manipulating and functionalizing the magnetism of matter at nanometric scales is at the core of the SPIntronic & Nanomagnetism group’s research.

The objectives are to understand and control the structural, electronic, magnetic and transport properties of magnetic nanostructures of different dimensions:

  • 2D: thin films, interfaces, super-networks
  • 1D: thread, tracks
  • 0D: pillars, aggregates

The research activity is both fundamental and experimental. The group has the means and know-how to develop model systems. The structural, magnetic and electrical characterization of these systems are taken into account at different scales. Furthermore, their evolution under the influence of different stimuli (magnetic fields, electric fields, temperature, electric currents, stress, laser pulses) is considered. The group members are particularly involved in various endeavours beyond the group's perimeter: the D.A.U.M. tube, a developmental and characterization tool that is unique in the world; a micro and nanofabrication centre ; a magnetism centre and many other facilities.

The team is recognized for the very high level of its fundamental research. Every year, it develops numerous fruitful collaborations with the best spintronic and nanomagnetism laboratories in the world. These strong international collaborations have allowed:

  • The creation in 2015 of an international associated laboratory (LIA) in partnership with the RMCR edu of the UCSD, the CQP NYU and Paris-Saclay
  • The setting up of theses in co-supervision with internationally recognized universities: Beihang University; Tohoku University; Johannes Gutenberg Mainz University; National Tshing Hua University


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