OTELo is one of the 10 scientific divisions of the University of Lorraine. It includes science research units in Geosciences and since 2010, it gave rise to the Earth Sciences Observatory (OSU), a federative structure of INSU-CNRS associated with ENSG. OTELo, created in January 2013, consists of three INSU laboratories (CRPG UMR7358, georesources UMR7359, Otelo UMS3562) a mixed INSU and INEE laboratory (LIEC UMR7360) and a joint research INRA Laboratory of (LSE). It consists of about 430 people including 105 professors and 34 researchers from CNRS, INRA and IRD, 133 ITA-BIATOS and about 110 PhD students and 19 postdocs. Research activities led in OTELo, through its four constituting research labs, are oriented according to three scientific axes: Earth planet functioning , the management of mineral and energy resources, and the knowledge and management of continental environments. The work is based on the characterization of natural systems from the solar system to the soli compartment using up-to-date geochemical approaches, as well physicochemical, spectroscopic, petrological, biological and ecotoxicological tools. OTELo supports and coordinates the development and sharing of human and equipment resources, and it strongly promotes cross-cutting, interdisciplinary research. OTELo initiates and coordinates actions of observations and associated data management. OTELo Pole hosts a national LabEx Resources 21 research program, as well as major research projects such as the Zone Atelier Moselle (ZAM) and GIS on brownfield (GISFI). It also includes many platforms or earth chemistry analysis services, such as the analysis of Rocks and Minerals Service (MRSA) or the waste recovery station (STEVAL). .


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