The laboratory has chosen to seize the opportunity of the anniversary of its creation (20 years in 2021) to take stock of the identity of the unit and to reinforce the links between its members with varied profiles. Part of the actions allowed to retrace the history of the research carried out within the unit, through a cycle of public scientific seminars, study days reserved to the members of the unit and the writing of a historical booklet. A website ( has hosted a set of interviews giving voice to different actors of the UMR's research over the months, and has served as a showcase for the different actions carried out throughout the year 2021. The overall objective of these actions was to build on 20 years of common scientific activity to better collaborate tomorrow internally and has allowed us to strengthen our links with our external partners (UFR SHS, pôle CLCS, Ecole Doctorale, MSH, Métropole du Grand Nancy, UFR ALL, CASDEN) through their moral, logistical, human and/or financial support.