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C. E. Byrd, N. M. Mcneil, D. L. Chesney, and P. G. Matthews, A specific misconception of the equal sign acts as a barrier to children's learning of early algebra, Learning and Individual Differences, vol.38, pp.61-67, 2015.

C. Byrd-hornburg, M. L. Rieber, and N. M. Mcneil, An integrative data analysis of gender differences in children's understanding of mathematical equivalence, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, vol.163, pp.140-150, 2017.

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J. Fischer, , p.54015

, Current Themes of Research: Interactive development of procedural and declarative knowledge in the field of number and arithmetic. Mirror writing in typically developing children

, Most relevant publications in the field of Psychology of Education

J. P. Fischer, Studies on the written characters orientation and its influence on digit reversal by children, Educational Psychology, 2017.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02024612

J. P. Fischer, Does finger sense really have a delayed effect on children's addition performance?, Cognitive Processing, vol.18, issue.1, pp.105-106, 2017.

J. P. Fischer, I. Butlen, M. Bloch, C. Bosch, G. Chambris et al., La distinction procédural/déclaratif appliquée aux premiers apprentissages numériques, Rôles et places de la didactique et des didacticiens des mathématiques dans la société et le système éducatif, vol.I, pp.97-122, 2015.

J. P. Fischer, Commentary: Development of magnitude processing in children with developmental dyscalculia: space, time, and number, Frontiers in Psychology (Developmental Psychology), vol.6, p.804, 2015.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01585810

J. P. Fischer and Y. Tazouti, Unraveling the mystery of mirror writing in typically developing children, Journal of Educational Psychology, vol.104, issue.1, pp.193-205, 2012.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02343824

, Current Themes of Research: Arithmetical word problem solving; analogical reasoning, Most relevant publications in the field of Psychology of Education

R. Brissiaud and E. Sander, Arithmetic word problem solving: a situation strategy first framework, Developmental Science, vol.13, issue.1, pp.92-107, 2010.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01015524

S. Gamo, S. Nogry, and E. Sander, Apprendre à résoudre des problèmes en favorisant la construction d'une représentation alternative chez des élèves scolarisés en éducation prioritaire, Psychologie française, vol.59, issue.3, pp.215-229, 2014.

S. Gamo, E. Sander, and J. F. Richard, Transfer of strategy use by semantic recoding in arithmetic problem solving. Learning and Instruction, vol.20, pp.400-410, 2010.

D. Hofstadter and E. Sander, Surfaces and essences: analogy as the fuel and fire of thinking, 2013.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02113552

, Current Themes of Research: Didactics, teaching and learning, and their relationships. Most relevant publications in the field of Psychology of Education

G. Sensevy, D. Forest, S. Quilio, and G. Morales, Cooperative engineering as a specific design-based research, ZDM -The International Journal on Mathematics Education, vol.45, issue.7, pp.1031-1043, 2013.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01138906


G. Sensevy, A. Mercier, M. L. Schubauer-leoni, F. Ligozat, and G. Perrot, An attempt to model the teacher's action in mathematics, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol.59, issue.1, pp.153-181, 2005.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01997621

G. Sensevy, S. Quilio, and A. Mercier, Arithmetic and comprehension at elementary school, The twenty-third ICMI study: Primary mathematics study on whole numbers, pp.472-479, 2015.

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D. Clercq-quaegebeur, M. Rassel, A. Casalis, S. Vilette, B. Lemaitre et al., Arithmetic abilities in children with developmental dyslexia : Performances on French ZAREKI-R Test, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2017.

B. Vilette, Effets d'entraînements basés sur l'estimation numérique auprès d'enfants avec une dyscalculie ou des troubles du calcul. Développements, pp.57-77, 2016.

J. Richard, E-mail: jf

, Modelling problem-solving behavior, role of problem solving activity in learning mathematics, analysis of errors as a tool for cognitive diagnosis, Most relevant publications in the field of Psychology of Education

J. F. Richard and E. Sander, Activités d'interprétation et de recherche de solution dans la résolution de problème, Lire, écrire, compter, apprendre : les apports de la psychologie des apprentissages. Bordeaux : CRDP d'Aquitaine, 2000.

S. Gamo, E. Sander, and J. F. Richard, Transfer of strategy use by semantic recoding in arithmetic problem solving. Learning and Instruction, vol.20, pp.400-410, 2010.

E. Mengue-metoule, J. F. Richard, and E. Sander, Classification des problèmes additifs : statut intermédiaire de la transformation relativement au complément et à la comparaison. L'année psychologique, vol.115, pp.497-531, 2015.