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N. M. Brière, R. J. Vallerand, M. R. Blais, and L. G. Pelletier, SJnoe dogs appeated lO bi! . a frequenll)' cited facllitatm of ph~lcd aaJ!.ill)' .1mong participants ln t. he st:OO'y by Obrusn lkm?a aM Ca\?allet trol l ), ·~~ di!Cid.ed. to lmegratl! thetapy dog tea.ms for klur cl:lJ, International Journal of Sport Psychology, vol.26, pp.465-489, 1995.

. -\-t, i of a speciallyU'aJned dog anlmal..as:sisted theraP}' -TIIey can aoo mate lnklrmal "'ISIIS to lndL VId.tral.s or progJJms to pro\'lde oppotttmltles for mollva!Jonal, edtta uonaJ, recoea1Jona1, a nd t.l:lerapeutJc bl!nefLI:' i. Ttli!'

R. and E. Gee, Efltions fm cl:llld.ren "''lili <1lsabiJL Ues. Am.Of18. the ph~lo loglGI I bl!nelit~ are rl!duced heart rate, bwered btood poessure. decrEWE<l aru:JI!ty and stress le~·el s, :and Lncoeased calmnes:s of cb lld.ren W'lth dr\'elopmemal dl~billtl es, searcb has <1emoru113 tedl mari:ed p h~'Slot!Jgtca l, pl:l)?5l-cal, socJaJ, :and emotJo.na1 bl!oefi.ts of t.herapy-OOg.asslsted lnl.ef\', 2007.

, He p::~t his sboes on 3od wbm IR koe.. · me they ha?' i! at home are dogs. Cblldren' s past encountet3 and experi:!noes wlth dog5 ran also play a critJt:al role ln thelr awtude to' i\'ard therapy ~ (f:rurnlftb1!f, 20 , prO\'Idlng Len dlrea contact ' i' t 'ilh the dog ln the beg,' lnrung may . fV' e ' i' t ?haher tilt! rhild. ls ;ipproprlate for a tberap)'· dog.asslsted progtam. HO' fl'i!~'fr, not aU cbildren shooJd be wllh a m lmals. Ch il dien wflo a re aggresst' r' E! ha\oe ltEen seen to tf}, · the[Jp)' dog (Martin & Famum)_ Slmii31 ben e6ts WI![ l!~ wl:lenl'lt"e lntl!g.Iated · thl!rapy spons club: [v~ sl.ru:e 'l'tl: h2n-e bet:n l n~-Dh~ 1 'l'tlJllld uy 'rome on, 2009.

. Th and . Ore, Il was apparent t.hat sam ~·as more lmemted ln actl\'l\16 dufing whJdl fte oou.ld ln tet act l'i 1th a lU , such a~ b.askelhall Cl( runnln.g. Du ring ln. di~·iduallstlc sltt.taliom (Le., whenl:fte dog l'l ";iS lm rhJng bis pi!rformanoe from the sldeil.ne), sam l' i '001d often run away ftocn the actl' o'lty tO turg O lll ot ta it l O her haoolet Sam's lixa tloo on ttle dog madi! Il \'ery dJHicull for the lnstructor to progres~ througb aU the statiOns, srrEMlng of these ctlaractellrua ls lmpona nt \VhJie sorne ch ildren may be tl!fflfied of~ othe~ may 8J!l so fi: rated oo Cl( preoa:upled W1th them tfm lt pteVI!flts the!I engagMJI!fltln ph)-slcal ml~'llles

, Wben Lhe dog m expemdly !!id 11111 corne, IS:J:nl htslcm:l ID sCJ n actl\?1 1115 arx! mned tD go hzd: lmo being lh)' art:! tii'IC!OOiiJrt3ble. !Jedid IlOt INlOI ta gi!IJDJtllf and lqlt tur:nlng JIOOOO tlke dJt.re W1U somi!IKie 1\'J:ling

, Sam's coold e\' <!nw. ;ilty Lead w socbl isola tloo. sam 's mother described he~ soo 's lixalloo on aU! thJ~ Wl)': ISarnl did not !!t' m l a:rl:lln people n9r OEus dog, a:nd he preferced to be 1errlt:orlll, !tm tu..m and his doz. The hllnd!er gJd to l;lm, 'Let' llliY Ùllllll~!lt! wbo l'Ill lm ID pet the dog lw ra .ut lllrn, 1.1)11'll 10 1m dt hlrn Lh~J ) 'DU CIIIJIDl p!d: art:! c:hooee. lf you SJ)' no, yoo nMd to lJ)' lt m e\'III}Wy, D" J 'fl5 ID 1!\'HJbadf.' [ \omruall)? lie, OrJ:Jd mrougb h

S. Ms,

. Shepblrd, , 1992.

, -e lnhtally eoOOrJntered sorne ? t~a ll . ..dtl? ;eo"' dogs th at lo:st their focus dilltng ba11.-rela tsd artlvltli!S. A rhildr's persona 1 pr!!ferl!fl:C6

, 'lth chlldreo Y. ?L th ASD. Howe>~'l!r, e~"'sam's. mother: ISaml 101 oJJe doz ln 1he begtnnrng. rhm bep Gllh. He 'I'I"Dulcl hn~ Mn fuan?lm an~ dog, OflCe e<J.I!Qlor~ l'lave se1ected the therapy dog team, l:now(e(lge and experience wortln.g ' "

, hl5 md l'le did nol 'J'iJnl ro du!n~

P. Scremlfig, For a ample, ser,.lre do,g:s aJe not coosldete:J ~ts aod, b)? law, can .acmmpall}' thel r lilandl.a ln prJbllc places. The ra py do,g:s, on the other band, are ptl\'ately owned pets wtth ILmJted acoe5.!> to public place!. (Kruger & Serpef~ 201 0). Ttii.!S, lt ll ni!Cl!' :' i5J r~· tO g:et . approva 1 from the adml Oi.5tratloo be fore btlnglng a thô!mpydog lnto.a faclllty or progt3m. It ls also lmportant to remember tba t btlnglng a dog lnw the enl/iroflllliillt ma~· cause aUerglr reacUoos, dlsmmfon:, or senwryo~·a~lti\'­ lt )' to th ose who .are not dlrea.l)' l n vot~'l!d wl th the dog .as tbe)' rome ln contact wlth equtpment and sutfaoe!. prevt. ously t!SI!d by the dogl or h.ear the dog malc.ln.g ool~-lb emure the healtll a nd ~reU, the Environment dogs., and tbe~· do (lli&Q ? 'ottUm1183 Mn. 6 ? AllglllllDl Z not iliare the ~ame prl.vtle.g!!'j as sa'o'lce dog:~

. Gralildl-n, relatJonshlp:s wllh otbers, therap~· do,g:s may actas lnltla 1 catalysts to ~ppotuocb ll merlnions and ~eacb aboot telations.hlp \oalues, 2010.

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, Ildll) G.'ll'anoo\:Jte profaronlll fhll CNjxrltrnMI d ~ HroJlh ar.d N!tlr1fDl.. and A. Yxvt R. cm'lrl'm-(aoo,t~«M rs anG'mOOf&' [Xdmo~ rn t~w SChooJ rl Edl.m11oo.. at rfw IJ11Nmll)' of~ il~, Il1n.t!Ml (oo~dd. mwam ~llfoeM illfl.t(p~ IJWJ

, «M IS a pll)'liaJI MrcotK111 OOOCM at MCUJn HJgfl sdlool, ln !Wn.ngtoo, DE l98C&

, Je n'arrive pas à voir pourquoi je fais du sport; plus j'y pense, plus j'ai le goût de lâcher le milieu sportif

, Parce que c'est bien vu des gens autour de moi d'être en forme

, Parce que pour moi, c'est très plaisant de découvrir de techniques

, Je n'arrive pas à voir pourquoi je fais du sport; plus j'y pense, plus j'ai le goût de lâcher le milieu sportif

, Parce que c'est bien vu des gens autour de moi d'être en forme

, Parce que pour moi, c'est très plaisant de découvrir de techniques

, Je ne le sais pas clairement; de plus, je ne crois pas être vraiment à ma place dans le sport

?. .. Autre-;-lires,

. .. ,

. ··, . ·····, . ···, and . .. ····,

. .. ,

. ···· and . ··,

·. .. ·····,

. .. ,