Moringa Oil With Pristine and Fluorinated Carbon Nanofibers as Additives for Lubrication
Abstract This study focuses on the influence of local moringa oil on the performances of lubricants obtained from a blend of dodecane and pristine or fluorinated carbon nanofibers at ambient temperature. The friction experiments have been evaluated using a reciprocating ball on a plane tribometer. Moringa oil is used as a bio-additive in lubricant formulations. First, the addition of a small amount of moringa oil to dodecane allowed a reduction of about 50% of the base oil friction performances. Second, a comparative study on the friction properties of their blends with pristine carbon nanofibers (CNFs) and fluorinated ones (CF0.85) was investigated, based on which they were intended to be used as solid lubricant additives. An adsorption effect of fatty acid molecules is observed in CNFs particles unlike CF0.85. Whatever was the percentage of moringa oil added, more promising results were obtained with CF0.85. Physicochemical characterizations of the tribofilms evidence the good antiwear properties of the lubricants.