R. and S. La, relation appe/(obj1! obj2), obj1 EX, objz E S existe si et seulement si le module ob}l appelle directement le sous-programme Obj2' (R3) valeur-de-retour:-{S, T} La relation valeur-de-retour(obj, ob} E S, t E T existe si et seulement si la fonction obj renvoie après exécution une valeur de type t

W. La-requête and W. La-requête, IF est la plus importante parmi les trois types de requêtes définies. C'est elle qui permet l'analyse d'impact et de sa propagation. La syntaxe globale est la suivante: WHAT-IF( identificateur, niveau, type-de-changement) où identificateur et niveau sont définis comme dans WHAT-IS, et type-de

. Cette-requête-contient-quatre-variantes, Ada( identificateur) type-de-changement) , -WHAT-IF-HOOD( identificateur) type-de-changement) , -WHAT-IF-Local( identificateur, et -WHAT-IF-Global(identificateur, niveau)

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. Re-c-ord_contains_var, record_contains_var(reÏerence, document) . record_contains_var(reÏerence, next) . record_contains_var(reÏerence, page) . record_contains_var(status_record, percent). record_contains_var(status_record, total). record_contains_var(unit_record, programmer) . record_contains_var(unit_record, s tatus). record_contains_var(unit_record, unit_name)

. Re-c-ord_contains_var, rename_as renaming(programmer_type) task_body uses(active_records, assignment_statement, 186) . uses(active_records, assignment_statement, 40). uses(active_records, assignment_statement, 44). uses(active_records, assignment_statement, 44). uses(active_records, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 213) . uses(active_re cords, loop_statement, 178). uses(active_records, loop_statement, 234) . uses(close, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 47). uses(collect_statistic s, case_statement, 25 2 ) . uses(collect_statistics, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 255) . uses(command_io, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 150) . uses(criteria, c ase_statement, 73). uses(unit_name, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 229) . uses(unit_name, iÏ_statement, 236). uses(unit_name, iÏ_statement, 236) . uses(unit_name, iÏ_statement, 74) . uses(unit_name, iÏ_statement, 74) . uses(user_inquiry, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement , 150). uses(user_inquiry, return_statement, 152). uses(version, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 125). uses(~idth, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 119) . uses(~idth, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 121) . uses(~idth, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 123). uses(~idth, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 125) . uses(~idth, function_or_library_call_statement, 127) . uses(~idth, Ïunction_or_library_call_statement, 187). variable ([] ) . variable(absolute) . variable(active_records) . variable(command) . variable(data) . variable(data_Ïile) . variable(Ïile_type) . variable(Ïrequence) . variable(name_type) . variable(record_index) . sensor_set set_package C, La base de faits actual_param([]). array( (]). array(limit_check). array(sensor_group). array(sensor_list). calls «(], []). constant ([]) . constant(bits). constant (bits) . constant(minutes). constant (vords). constant (vords). entry( []), p.3

. Entry_for_paramcof_sensor, entry_for_param(on_sensor) entry_for_param(sensor) entry_for_param(sensor) formal_param imports(collection_of_sensors, sansor_set). importsCcollection_of_sensors, set_package). importsCcollection_of_sensors, system), importsCmonitor_temperatures, command_io). importsCmonitor_temperatures, sensor_name_io). importsCmonitor_temperatures, sensor_value_io). imports(monitor_temperatures, system). importsCmonitor_temperatures, text_io). imports(monitor_tempera.ures, text_io). imports(recording_device, device_io). instantiates instan~iates(command_io, enumeration_io). instantiatesCsensor_name_io, enumeration_io). instantiatesCsensor_set, set_package), instantiatesCsensor_value_io, fixed_io). is_parameter _ofC object_declared_inCactive_sensors, collection_oT_sensors). object_declared_inCalarm, monitor_temperatures), object_declared_in(alarm, text_io), object_declared_inCbits, alarm). object_declared_in(bits, collection_oI_sensors). object_declared_in(collection_of_sensors, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_in(collection_of_sensors, text_io). object_declared_in(command, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_inCcommand_io, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_in(disable, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_inCenable, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_in(fault_light, alarm). object_declared_inCfor_sensor, collection_of_Bensors). object_declared_inCforce_record, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_in(high_bound, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_in(high_limit, collection_oI_sensors). objeet_declared_inChigh_limit, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_inCinterrupt, timer). object_declared_inCinterval, timer)

C. Annexe and . Global-exemple, Surveillance d'environnement object_declared_in(out_oT_limits_light, alarm). object_declared_inCpost_Tault_in_sensor, alarm) object_declared_in(post_out_of_limits, alarm) object_declared_in(recording_device, text_io). object_declared_in(sensor, collection_oT_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor, collection_of_sensors>. object_declared_in(sensor, collection_oT_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor_group, collection_oT_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor_list, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor_map, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor_name, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_in(sensor_name_io, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_in(sensor_port, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor_record, collection_oT_sensors) object_declared_in(sensor_set, collection_of_sensors). object_declared_in(sensor_state, monitor_temperatures) object_declared_in(sensor_value, monitor_temperatures). object_declared_inCsensor_value_io, monitor_temperatures

. Procedure_spec, procedure_specCmonitor_temperatures, 3). rec_type_var([]). rec_type_varChigh_limit). rec_type_varClow_limit)

. Record, record_contains_var(sensor_record, high_limit). record_contains_var(sensor_record,low_limit). record_contains_var(sensor_record, value). rename_as renaming( [] ) . task_body( []) . task_body(alarm). tasK_body(collsction_of_sensors). task_bodyCrecording_device). tasK_bodyCtimer). tasK_spec task_spec(alarm, 19). tasK_spec(collection_of_sensors, 24). tasK_spec(timer, 33). type( []). type_return_value, p.235

C. Annexe and . Global-exemple, Surveillance d'environnement variable (name) variable(out_of_limits_light) variable(sensor). variable(sensor_map). variable(sensor_name). variable(sensor_port). variable(sensor_state). variable(sensor_value). variable(ticks) . variable(user_command) variable(value)