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T. V=0, 013; %m3 dz=0.001; z(1)=1.; %données aux limites Tg(1)=Tgs

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=. Mu, 1*10^-6; %Pa.s a=700

%. Système-d, équation for i=2:n Vdot(4*(i-1)+1) = 1/eps*(-(V(4*(i-1)+1)*(u(i)-u(i-1))/dz+u(i, pp.4-5

. Vdot, *(i-1)+2)*(u(i)-u(i-1))/dz+u(i), pp.4-5

. Vdot, -eps)*rho_bois)*(-k(i)*(1-eps)*a*(V(4*(i-1)+3)-Xe(i)))

. Vdot, *(i-1)+4) = 1/((1-eps)*rho_bois, p.4

+. Cp_eau_liquide, *(q(i)*(1-eps)*rho_bois-(V(4*(i-1)+2)*Cp_air+V

+. Vdot, *(i-1)+2)+eps*(lambda0+Cp_eau_vapeur*V(4*(i-1)+4))*Vdot