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I. -zartman and . William, Negotiating with Terrorists, International Negotiation, vol.8, issue.3, 2008.
DOI : 10.1163/1571806031310815

. -cede, . Franz, E. The, and . Relationship, A Difficult Negotiation Experience, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

C. -görzig, From Zero Sum to Positive Sum : Scenario Interviews with Hamas and Lessons for Mediating Identity Conflicts, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

. Kremenyuk and . Victor, Negotiation in Conditions of Multilateralism, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

. Kremenyuk and . Victor, Negotiations between Russia and USA : A New Agenda, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

-. Penetrante, Ariel : Caspian Dialog Bridge Building in the Caspian Sea, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

-. Penetrante, Ariel : The Case of Arcania, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

-. Schaik, Louise : Is the European Union a Healthy Negotiator ?, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 31 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2008.

-. Points, Anstey, Mark : Transnational Corporations and International Framework Agreements, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 32 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

R. ;. -avenhaus, . Sjöstedt, and . Gunnar, Negotiated Risks -Some Lessons Learned, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 32 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, 2009. -Cede, Franz : Negotiations on and around the CTBTO, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 32 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, 2009.

M. -melamud, Negotiation as an Important Inspection Technique, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 32 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

-. Points, Anstey, Mark : Negotiating Organizational Change, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 33 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

R. ;. -avenhaus, . Canty, . Morton, and T. Krieger, Arms Control and Disarmament Verification : Deterrence through Leadership, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 33 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

E. -paulsson, The Role of Private Actors in the Negotiations on a Reform of the Clean Development Mechanism, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 33 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

G. Sjöstedt, Knowledge Diplomacy : The Things We Need to Know to Understand It Better, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 33 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

I. -zartman and . William, Negotiation as a Choice of Partners, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 33 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Macaspac Penetrante, Ariel : Court-Annexed Mediation in the Philippines -Community Involvement in the Judicial System PIN Points Network Newsletter 34 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

P. -meerts, Connecting Context and Content -Why the Weak Can be the Winner, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 34 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2010.

. -rosoux and . Valérie, Memory and International Negotiations, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 34 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2010.

G. Sjöstedt, Success, Failure, or What ?, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 34 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.

-. Points, Avenhaus, Rudolf : The Modeler's Experience, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 35 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2010.

F. -hampson, I. Osler-;-zartman, and . William, The Global Power of Talk. The Uses of Negotiation to

G. Advance and . Security, The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, PIN Points Network Newsletter, vol.35, 2010.

-. Penetrante, Ariel : Negotiation and Legitimacy -Engaging Extremists to Talk, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 35 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2010.

P. -meerts, Egotiation, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 35 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2010.

R. -schüssler, Information Dilemmas in Negotiation, in : PIN Points Network Newsletter 35 The Processes of International Negotiation Program, IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2010.