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, Annexe I Résumés des publications pnésentées dans le texte

J. Mersch, A. Jeanjean, H. Spor, and J. C. Pihan, The freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha as a bioindicator for trace metals, organochlorines and radionuclides, 1992.

D. Neumann and H. A. Jenner, The zebra mussel Dreisseru polyrcrplu, Limrclogie AhucL, vol.4, pp.2-244

J. Mersch, E. Morhain, and . Mouvetb, Laboraory accumulation and depuration of copper and cadmium in the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpla and the aquatic moss RJrynclusae giwn r iparioide s. C lumosplu re, pp.147-152

J. Meisch and J. C. Pihan, Simultaneous assessment of envinrnmental impact on condition and trace metal availability in zebra mussels Dreisseru polymorptta transplanaed into the V/iltz River, 1993.

A. , Contarn. Toxicol, vol.25, issue.3, pp.3-53

J. Mersch and L. Johansson, Transplanted aquatic mosses and freshwater mussels to investigaae the trace metal contamination in the rivers Meurthe and Plaine, France. Envbon. Te clutol, vol.146, p.27, 1993.

J. Mersch, N. Dubost, and J. C. Pihan, Comparaison de plusieurs supports analytiques inertes et biologiqles pour apprécier la contamination métallique de la retenue du site électronucléaire de Cattenom, France. Anrls. Limnol, issue.34, p.29321337, 1993.