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C. A. and D. L. Sante, Gas Presslure Maeswements in Industrial Coke Ovens", Cokemaking International, Special Volume "Coking Pressure Seminar, p.34, 1992.

F. Huhn, S. F. , and E. V. , Intetnal Gas Presswe Distribution within an Industial Coke Oven Charge, Cokemaking International, SpecialCoking Pressure Seminar, issue.232, p.2, 1992.

. 5. Romas-'ko-v, Measurement and Calculation of Maximum Pressure of a CoaI Charge on the Vall of an Oven Chamber during Cokin!', Koks I Khimiyà, p.2, 1992.

. Une-Étude-comnlémentrire, menée sur des mélanges de charùons nrln poussants et poussants, a permis & rnmtrer I'exisbnce d'un lien d'irect entre'trui O;irrprgenïiooii n irâu i

. Par-ce-moyen, un test utilisabte pour la pÉdiction de I'intenjité de ls poussfo a Fr être proposé. uors crÉs ' çq4\lgNrcglEElcrrotç,olE_ÉE,lg4sE_pr-A_srrerJE, rMpRÉcr.rAfloN GoTJDR,oNs, PERMÉA BILTiÉ, ExTRÂcrrcN pen sorÙnvn ABSTRACT Coking pnessure is known i" "okg industry as a phenomenon responsible for coke oven damaçs and conscqgcntly for having serious economic rqrercussions

. Pjjtt-t, -1 9-l1rll?-pt^ryli$lgT"l' impregnetion.of .non coked coat contiguous to rhe ptrstic l?9,"'::Tï"1',:-t?-*"-31:r,.111tï;i-.^'*^ï_-,*--::Xgb-"o-qp thi' i"'p'ie;"F; il; F-#d;"i; trËi [Xf3r3..**t*ig