, Bericht wurde zum Basisdokument fiir die Reform des niederlândischen Systems und 202 cf. Entwicklung und Tendenzen, p.93

B. , U. /. Kersbergen, and K. Van, Der christliche Wohlfahrtsstaat der Niederlande. Ein kritischer Beitrag zur vergleichenden Politikforschung, Politische Vierteljahresschrift ll1986, s.63. 204 tL pg51, Harry: Pillarization: An Analysis of Dutch and Belgian Society, 1989.

.. R. and G. , Social Policy and the European Commission, 1991.

, Première Session Ordinaire l0 août-8 septembre 1949. Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée, Strasbourg: Conseil de I'Europe 1949, S. 41. 127 ,Recommendation 28 (Doc. AS (2) 99)", in: Compilation of Recommendations and Resolutions adopted by the Consultative Assembly during its Second Session (First Part, 1950.

, Rapport de Mission, I .5.1959, in: ILO-Archiv: Aktenmappe IGO 051-2, S. L 197 Principaux exemples de collaboration entre le B.l.T. et la C.E.E., in: ILO-Archiv: Aktenmappe z l5-15-1. s. r. 198 .1. Mémorandum sur la collaboration entre I'Organisation internationale du Travail et la Communauté économique européenne, Politik der konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit": PIRKER, Theo: Die blinde Macht. Die Gewerkschaftsbewegung in llestdeutschland, pp.ILO-Archiv

, ILO-Archiv:Aktenmappe IGO 051-2-l, t. t.rU, 2af Rappon de mission à M. le Secrétaire Général, von S. Sforza, 1g.2.63, in: Europarat-Archiv: Aktenmappe 2481, vol.3, 1964.

, N61g à I'attention de Monsieur le Secrétaire Général, von Fadil H. Sur, 29.6.64, vol.3, p.2481

V. S. Monsieur-modinos and . Sforza, Europarat-Archiv: Aktenmappe 2481, vol.3, 1963.

, Président de I'Organisation régionale européenne de la Confédération internationale des syndicats chrétiens (C.l.S.C.) (Genève, le 29 juin 1964)

, Summary of developments, Proposed Second Tripartite European Conference

, gemacht, doch sie blieb eine Ausnahme, die durch das eifrige Betreiben von Josef Eckert und Maximilian Sauerborn und das resolute Auftreten der Interessengruppen wie zum Beispiel der Ersatzkrankenkassen schnellverdrângt wurde (cf. HUDEMANN

. Cf and E. Reidegeld, , pp.398-403

. Cf, . Auerbach, :. Walter, and .. Beveridge-p1an, , pp.134-139

. Cf, H. Hockerts, :. Giinter, and . Alter, S. 305. l0 cf. HOCKERTS, Hans Giinter: ,Die Entwicklung, p.149

, SchluBbetrachtung Internationalisierung der sozialen Sicherheit, sei es auf V/eltebene oder im Rahmen der europâischen Institutionen, unbedingt berùcksichtigt werden mi.issen. Denn ohne eine bedeutende Ûberzeugungsarbeit bei den Interessengruppen wie den Versicherten, Krankenkassen, versicherungen, Gewerkschaften, Ministerien usw., die von Land zu Land sehr unterschiedliche Standpunkte vertreten und ganz verschiedene Machtpositionen innehaben

. Beveridge-berichts, wâhrend in Deutschland von Anfang an alle Verwaltungsstellen sich gegen eine umfassende Reform stellten.3l Sozialsysteme werden mit der Zeit zu einem Bestandteil der Kultur eines Staates. Dieser Aspekt wurde bei den deutschen und franzôsischen Reformbemûhungen zu sehr vemachlâssigt. Aus dem gleichen Grund schenkten Belgier, Luxemburger und Italiener dem Beveridge-Bericht kaum Beachtung. Einzig die Niederlânder verfi.igten iiber keine sattelfeste Kultur des sozialen Schutzes, was einen Neuanfang ermôglichte. Um in Europa eine vorsichtige Annâherung in die'Wege zu leiten, wird es notwendig sein, die verschiedenen Sozialtraditionen zu berûcksichtigen, vieler Hinsicht reibungslos, weil die staatliche Verwaltung in den entsprechenden Bereichen kaum vorhanden war

.. 3l-cf and E. Rieger, Die Institutionalisierung des Wohtfahrtsstaats

G. Gesprâch and . Tamburi, ehemaligem Leiter der llO-Abteilung fiir soziale Sicherheit, p.14, 2000.

, Gesprâch mit Norbert creutz, ehemaligem Ilo-Beamten,23, 1999.

, Europarat-Archiv): Aktenmappen: 2481 (International Labour Organisation-General File, vol.l, pp.949-951, 1955.

, I 95 I / 1 95 5, vol.1, p.2482, 1955.

, Sécurité sociale: Accord européen. Vieillesse, vol.l, 1958.

, Direction des Affaires Economiques et Sociales. Relations entre, ES, vol.133, pp.1949-1958

, Direction des Affaires Economiques et Sociales. Relations avec le B.I.T. General File, ES, vol.134, pp.1955-1958

, Direction des Affaires Economiques et Sociales. Relations avec le B.LT. General File, ES, vol.135, 1961.

, Direction des Affaires Economiques et Sociales. Relations avec le B.I.T. General File, ES, vol.136, 1963.

. Literatur-und, Direction des Affaires Economiques et Sociales. Relations avec le B.l.T. General File, vol.137, 1973.

, Historisches Archiv der ILO (Abk.: ILO-Archiv

, Organisation: Factory inspection (Questionnaire sent to governments concerning the organisation of labour inspection)), pp.3-6

, Organisation: Social Security Division regarding social security systems in several V/est European countries), pp.3-7

, IGO 03-8 (Brussels Treaty Organisation: Resolutions of the ILO Industrial Committees. Procedure to be adopted)

, Correspondence regarding International Labour Conventions and Recommendations), pp.3-9

, Organisation: Social Committee. Family Budget Statistics)

, Organisation: ILO representation at meetings), pp.3-12

, IGO 03-2 (Brussels Treaty Organisation: Relations (general))

, Committee of experts on Social Security. I't meeting, pp.4-1004, 1950.

, Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, 1958.

, Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, pp.20-22, 1959.

, Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, pp.3-6, 1959.

, Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, pp.15-19, 1961.

. Literatur-und, Quellenverzeichnis on Social Security. Strasbourg)

, Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, pp.10-14, 1962.

, Europe. lgth Session of the Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, pp.12-15, 1963.

, IGo 04-1004-2 (council of Europe. committee of experts on social Security. 2nd meeting, 1950.

, Committee of Experts on Social Security. Strasbourg, 1964.

, Intergovernmental organisations. council of Europe-2r't session of the committee of Experts on Social Security (strasbourg, 30, vol.1, p.1

, Committee of experts on Social Security. 3'd meeting, 1951.

, Committee of experts on Social Security. 4th

. Session and . Strasbourg, , 1951.

, IGO 04-3-I (A) (Europarat: Abkommen fi.ir Zusammenarbeit)

. Literatur-und, Quellenverzeichnis IGO 04-4-2 (Conseil de l'Europe. Sécurité sociale (général); 1949

, Haute Autorité de la Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de I'Acier. Comité interimaire, pp.5-1004

, Communauté européenne du Charbon et de I'Acier. Conseil spécial de Ministres, Ministres du travail. Meetings), pp.5-1006

, EGKS: Commission des affaires sociales de I'Assemblée commune), pp.5-1008

, CEE: Conference intergouvernementale pour le Marché commun et I'Euratom; 1955

, CEE: Libre circulation des travailleurs, pp.51-65, 1959.

, CEE: Correspondance générale (depuis I'entrée en vigueur de I'accord du7, vol.7, pp.51-53, 1958.

, CEE: Comité permanent de contact: 1ère et 2ème réunions du 209, pp.51-53, 1962.

, CEE: Accord de coopération avec le BIT, pp.1958-1959

, CEE: Questions de sécurité sociale, pp.51-58, 1959.

, CEE: Conference européenne sur la sécurité sociale

, General Relations and Agreement), IGO 05-3 (European Coal and Steel Community, vol.2, 1952.

, General Relations and Agreement, IGO 05-3. Jacket 1: European Coal and Steel Community, 1952.

, IGO 05-8 (ECSC: Social Security Questions and Meetings), vol.2, p.1954, 1953.

, Requests for information)

, CECA: Convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale

, Documents. Français)

, CECA: Convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale, IGO 05-8-100 (B)

, Documents. Allemand, italien

. Literatur-und, Quellenverzeichnis IGO 05-8-100 (Convention européenne concemant la sécurité sociale

, GECA: convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants, pp.13-23

, GECA: convention européenne concemant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants, pp.5-8

, CECA: Convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants. Deuxième réunion préparatoire d'experts. Genève, r e55), pp.5-8

, CECA: Convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants, pp.5-8

, CECA: Convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants, pp.5-8

, A) (cECA: convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants, pp.5-8

. Genève, , pp.0-13

, GECA: convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants. Genève, I l-23 mars 1957. Amendements), pp.5-8

, CECA: Convention européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants. Comité d'experts: Genève, mars 1957, pp.5-8, 1957.

M. Luxembourg, , 1957.

, IGO 05-8-104-l (CECA: Convention européenne concemant la sécurité sociale

, A) (convention européenne 'Sécurité sociale Travailleurs migrants'. Arrangement relatif aux modalités d'application, pp.5-8

, Sécurité sociale travailleurs migrants": Arrangements relatifs aux modalités d'application. Réunion à Genève, 2g janvier-8 février I 958), pp.5-8

, A) (convention européenne, Sécurité sociale Travailleurs, p.441

. Literatur-und-quellenverzeichnis, Arrangement relatif aux modalités d'application. Réunion à Genève, 29 avril-L} mai 1958. Documents)

, Sécurité sociale Travailleurs migrants, pp.5-8

, Arrangement relatif aux modalités d'application. Réunion à Genève, pp.29-29

, ILC 26-100-1 (Future policy programme, 1944.

, ILC 26-100-I-1 (Comments by the Secretary General, 1944.

, ILC 26-100-2 (Economic Policies for Social Objectives, Philadelphia re44)

, ILC 26-100-2-1 (Recommendations to the United Nations for present and postwar Social Policy, 1944.

. , Distribution of the Constitution and Standing Orders, 1944.

. , Documents, pp.26-103, 1944.

, ILC 26-303-19 (Distribution of the Philadelphia Declaration, 1944.

, ILC 34-414 (34th Session of I.L.C. 4th Item on the Agenda

. , International Labour Conference.34th Session

, Report IV(2) on Objectives and Minimum Standards of Social Security. Correspondence relating thereto and Distribution)

. , Objectives and Minimum Standards of Social Security, International Labour Conference.34th Session, p.442, 1951.

. Literatur-und-quellenverzeichnis and . Govemments,

. , Intemational Labour Conference .34thSession. Agenda. Item IV. objectives and Minimum Standards of social security, Replies from Governments. France)

, ILC 3 4-4 | 4-I-3 4 (Intemational Labour Conference. Obj ectives and Minimum Standards of Social Security. Replies from Governments-Germany)

. , 4th Item on the Agenda: objectives and Minimum Standards of Social Security. Replies from Govemments. Netherlands), 1951.

, committee on Social Security. Documents, pp.34-507, 1951.

, committee on Social Security. Minutes (English)), pp.34-507, 1951.

, committee on Social Security. Minutes (Spanish)), pp.34-507, 1951.

, committee on Social Security. Draft Reporrs, pp.34-501, 1951.

, Agenda. Report on Minimum standards of social Security and Despatch

, International Labour Conference. 35th Session, 1952.

, Replies from Govenments. Belgium)

. Literatur-und, Quel lenverzeichnis ILC 35-415 (A)-l-22 (International Labour Conference. 35th Session-Geneva, .sthltem on the Agenda, 1952.

, Replies from Governments. France)

, International Labour Conference. 35th Session

, Replies from Governments. Germany)

, International Labour Conference. 35th Session, 1952.

, Replies from Govemments. Luxembourg)

, International Labour Conference. 35th Session, 1952.

, Replies from Governments. Netherlands)

, Agenda. Report on Objectives and Advanced Standards of Social Security)

. , Social Security. International Labour Conference, p.35

, Correspondence relating thereto), 1952.

. , International Labour Conference. 35th Session, 1952.

. , International Labour Conference. 35th Session, pp.35-507, 1952.

I. L. Geneva, Committee on Social Security. Documents. English, pp.35-507, 1952.

. , Committee on Social Security. Amendments (English, pp.35-507, 1952.

. , International Labour Conference. 35th Session, pp.35-507, 1952.

. , International Labour Conference. 35th Session, pp.35-507, 1952.

. , International Labour Conference. 35th Session, pp.35-507, 1952.

. , International Labour Conference. 35th Session, p.444, 1952.

. Literatur-und, Quel lenverzeichnis Spanish)

, P, vol.1, p.188

, P 1289

, European Regional Conference, RC, vol.156, pp.95-1955

, RC 156-l-100 (European Regional conference: Agenda and convocation)

, RC 156-1-1201-l (Protestation de conseillers techniques ouvriers de la délégation française contre la nomination du délégué des travailleurs de France)

, RC 156-l-1303-l (Resolution by Federation Nationale des ouvriers du Luxembourg: Minimum social standards)

, RC 156-l-200-22 (Nomination of delegates for the European Regional Conference: France)

, RC I 56-I-2 00-24 (Nomination of delegates for the European Regional Conference: Germany)

, Nomination of delegates for the European Regional Conference: Italy)

, RC 156-1-200-40 Qriomination of delegates for the European Regional Conference : Luxembourg)

, RC 156-l-200-42 Qrlomination of delegates for the European Regional Conference: Netherlands)

, RC 156-l-200-7 (Nomination of delegates for the European Regional Conference: Belgium)

, RC I 56-l-400 (Director's report: preparation)

, RC 156-l-400-0 (Director's report: comments)

. Literatur-und, Quellenverzeichnis RC 156-l-502-2 (Selection committee: documents)

, Committee on the methods of financing social security benefits. Reports and minutes), pp.156-157

, Committee on age of retirement: Reports and minutes), pp.156-157

, Ministère de I'emploi et du travail, pp.7-8, 1948.

, RL 7-2-4 (Fédération des industries belges, 1948.

, Landelijk Algemeen Christelij k Verbond van Werkgevers:Fédération des patrons catholiques de Belgique, 1940.

, RL 7-3-2 (Algemeen Christen Vakverbond:Confédération des Syndicats Chrétiens de Belgique

, RI-22-3-ll (CFTC; 1939 und, 1945.

, RI-22-3-2 (CGT; 194s)

, RL 24-3-s2 (CGB; I 9s0

, RL 34-l (Gouvernement italien, 1945.

, Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza sociale, pp.34-48, 1955.

, Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti (UCID):Union chrétienne des entrepreneurs dirigeants, pp.34-36, 1947.

, Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL, p.1949

, Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL), pp.34-37, 1949.

, Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), pp.34-37, 1946.

. Literatur-und-quellenverzeichnis, Fédération des syndicats libres du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg:Freie Letzeburger Arbechterverband; I 949, pp.40-43

, SI 0l-2 (Social Security: international correspondence between ILO Geneva and ILO Montr

, Social Security: correspondence between ILO Social Insurance Section Montreal and various sections in Geneva (0511941-llll949)), pp.1-4

, SI 02 (Reports, studies and memoranda on Social Security)

, (Preparation for the European Regional conference: The financing of Social Security, pp.2-3, 1955.

, Sécurité sociale (général, p.1944

, Jérôme Dejardin

, (office national de la sécurité sociale belge, pp.1952-1960

, Sécurité sociale (général); 1945-| 9 65)

, Direction générale de la sécurité sociale, pp.1953-1965

, Allemagne : Sécurité sociale (général, pp.52-1965

W. Literatur-und-que-i-lenverzeichnis and . Auerbach, Hannover-including definition of social insurance (llll95402n964))

, Survey of British Social Insurance Schemes (Post-War Reconstruction). Financial and Administrative Arrangements)

, Survey of British Scial Insurance Schemes, pp.2-2

, Interdepartmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services, pp.2-2, 1942.

, Interdepartmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services. Draft Report

, Social Security Conespondence with Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance

, SI 2-0-25-3-l (Conespondence with Departmental Committee on Industrial Diseases set up by the Minister of National Insurance London)

, Italy-correspondence with Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale: 1958 draft by A. Zelenka entitled,Régimes financiers de l'assurance pensions", for publication in Previdenza Social (social security financing of pension schemes))

, Sécurité sociale (général, p.1948

, Netherlands-1998 review of draft article for International Social Security Review on disability benefits; 1998 mission report by W.van Ginneken regarding poverty alleviation, 1982.

. Higuchi, visitors from Tilburg University; social security legislation Act No, vol.617, 1917.

, Social Security: Social Security Agreement for Rhine inland waterway boatmen in Westem Europe-1950 questionnaire replies from

. Literatur-und, Quellenverzeichnis sI 2-0-156-l (Social Security: social Security Agreement for Rhine inland waterway boatmen in Western Europe-Correspondence on Social Insurance Questions regarding Rhine Boatmen), J acket, vol.2

, Social Security: Health euestions : Netherlands)

, Social Security: technical conferences at regional level of ISSA and Inter, Latin America-including, pp.5-7, 1969.

, SI 5 (Social Security and Unemployment Insurance: General)

, security: cost of Unemployment Insurance and Assistance in Italy and Germany), pp.5-6

, SI 5-0-22-l (Social Security: Unemployment Insurance: France)

, Social: security: Family Allowances (General) (01/10/1950, SI, vol.6

, Social Security: Family Allowances: Belgium (01fi0119593V08t1969)), pp.6-6

, Social Security: Family Allowances: France)

, social Security: Family Allowances: Germany (0r I 09 r, pp.6-6, 1954.

, Social Security: Family Allowances: Italy)

, Legislation Netherlands (0 I / I 1 / I 95 5

, Social Security Legislation for civil servants: Requests for, pp.7-7

. Literatur-und-quellenverzeichnis,

, C.E.).Jacket, vol.1, pp.7-11

, Council of Europe's code of practice, the "European Code of Social Security"-questionnaire reply from the government of France, SI, pp.56-78

, Council of Europe's code of practice, the "European Code of Social Security"-questionnaire reply from the govemment of, pp.7-11

, Council of Europe's code of practice, the "European Code of Social Security"-questionnaire reply from the government of Italy

, Council of Europe's code of practice, the "European Code of Social Security"-questionnaire reply from the government of Norway), pp.7-11

, Council of Europe's code of practice, the "European Code of Social Security"-questionnaire reply from the govemment of Sweden), pp.7-11

, Council of Europe's code of practice, the, p.450

, security. council of Europe's code of practice, the "European Code of Social Security"-questionnaire reply from the government of Sarre, pp.7-11, 1953.

, SI 12-3-l (Migrant Vy'orkers

, Migrant Workers: Comité intergouvernemental pour les Migrations européennes), pp.12-15

, European Regulation concerning social Security of Migrant workers (cEE)-Administrative commission Documents), Jacket, vol.3, pp.6-1959, 1959.

, Administrative Commission), Jacket, vol.2, 1959.

, Social security: social security agreement re transport workers engaged in inland transport-reports for the ILo Governing Body session l2g, vol.127, pp.22-23, 1954.

, Social security: preparatory meeting on social security for workers transport engaged in international transport, pp.7-13, 1955.

, Social security: social security agreement re transport workers 451

. Literatur-und, Quel lenverzeichnis engaged in inland transport-invitations to International Governemental Or ganizatio n s (i nternati onal or ganizations, 1955.

, Social security: preparatory meeting on social security for transport workers, French documents of series CSST/D, pp.0-13, 1955.

, Social secrity: international conference on the Draft European Convention (social security agreement) concerning social security of transport workers engaged in international transport-incl. Minutes CSST/D, vol.45, pp.22-401, 1955.

, Social security: preparatory meeting re the draft European Convention (social security agreement) re social security of transport workers engaged in international transport, pp.7-13, 1955.

, Social security: international conference on the Draft European Convention (social security agreement) concerning social security of transport workers engaged in international transport-convocation, pp.2-100, 1956.

, Social security: seminars-invitation to nongovernmental organizations, pp.22-24

, Social security: international conference on the Draft European Convention (social security agreement) concerning social security of transport workers engaged in international transport-administrative aspects, pp.22-24, 1956.

, Committee of Social Security Experts. Representation of the IACSS, vol.452

T. Literatur-und-quel-lenverzeichnis and . Issa, IACSS-Interamerican cttee. on social Security. ISSAInternational Association on Social Security)

, SI 1000-03 (Proposal by the French Government concerning the Convocation of an International Conference of Experts on Social Security)

, SI 1000-04 (Suggestions conceming an International Body for Social Security)

, Social Insurance committee. l't Meeting. Montreal-May l94g), pp.1101-100

, Montreal, I 948, Documents Spanish), pp.1101-203

, Montreal, 194g. Financial and Administrative Arrangements), pp.101-307

G. , , pp.24-28, 1949.

S. ,

, Jacket, vol.3, pp.1962-1964

, Meeting of Social Security Experrs. l't Session

, Documents (English))

, Documents (French))

, sl-cssE l00l-301 (committee of social security Experts. I't Session, New, vol.453

. Literatur-und-quellenverzeichnis,

, Zealand I 95 0. Material Arrangements)

S. , Proposed Meeting of the Committee of Social Security Experts. New Zealand, 1950. Travelling Anangements (Hotel Accomodation))

, SI-CSSE 1001-303 (Meeting of the Committee of Social Security Experts. New Zealand, I 95 0. Publicity)

S. , Proposed Meeting of the Committee of Social Security Experts. New Zealand, 1950. Financial Arrangements)

S. ,

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts. 1" Session, Wellington I 950, Report (Signed))

S. ,

S. , , p.2

. Session and . Geneva, 1-6.2.1959. Despatch of Documents), vol.26

S. , , p.2

. Session and . Geneva, 1-7 .2.1959. Premises, Material Anangements, vol.26

S. ,

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts, Documents (English)), vol.59

S. , Documents (French))

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Meeting, vol.19, p.62

S. , , 0200.

S. ,

, Meeting, 19 62. Material Anangements, etc

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts, Documents A) English), 1962.

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts, Documents B) French), issue.B

S. , , p.454

. Literatur-und, Quel lenverzeichnis

, Documents C) Spanish), 1962.

, committee Meeting of Social Security Experts, 1967.

, Follow-up of the Meeting, 1967.

, Material Anangements)

, A) (commiuee of Social Securiry Experts, 6-lg, Documents A) English), 1967.

, committee of Social Security Experts

, Agenda and convocation (2 Jackets)), 1975.

, committee of Social security Experts. circular Letters)

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Circular Letters). Jacket, vol.2, pp.1960-1961

. France,

S. ,

, sl-cssE l-22-2 (committee of social Security Experts-lg57-Mr, J. Doublet

, sl-cssE l-22-2-l (committee of Social Security Experrs-lg57-M. D. Motte (France))

, sl-cssE l-22-2-2 (committee of Social Security Experts-1gs7-Mr, René Appel

. France,

, sl-cssE l-22-3-1(committee of social Security Experts, Mr. ch. Gatinel

. France,

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Mr. K. Jantz. Federal Republic of Germany)

, sl-cssE l-34-l-1 (committee of social security Experts, Mr. G. caporaso. Italy)

, sl-cssE l-34-l-2 (committee of social security Experrs, Mr. A. M. coppini, p.455

. Literatur-und, Quel lenverzeichnis Italy)

, SI-CSSE l-34-2 (Committee of Social Security Experts-1957-Mr. C. Carloni (Italy))

S. I. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Mr. R. Bellacci. Italy)

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts-1957-Mr. E. Parri (Italy))

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Miss J. G. Stemberg. La Haye)

S. ,

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts-1957-Mr. H. Korte (Netherlands))

S. I. , , pp.7-8

. Watillon and . Bruxelles,

S. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Mr. A. Delperee. Belgium), pp.7-8

S. I. , Committee of Social Security Experts. Mr. J. Dejardin, issue.2

S. I. , , pp.7-9

, Cabinet's Files: Relations with the Belgian Government)

, Z l-22-2-l (Cabinet's Files: Mr. Pierre Waline)

, Z 1-24-l-I (Cabinet's Files: Relations with Germany)

, Z l-25-4-l (Cabinet's Files: Correspondence between Mr. Stein and Sir V/illiam

. Beveridge,

, Z 1-42-l-l (Cabinet's Files: Relations with the Netherlands Government)

, Cabinet's Files: Mission of Director-General to Paris), Jacket, vol.1, pp.1953-1956, 1949.

. Germany, , 1953.

, Cabinet's Files: Mr. Stein's Missionto London, pp.3-25, 1942.

. Literatur-und, Quellenverzeichnis Z 3-34-l (Cabinet's Files: Mission of the Director-General to Italy

, 3-40-l (cabinet's Files: Director-General's Mission to Luxembours, 1952.

, Cabinet's Files: Director-General's Mission to the Netherlands, pp.3-42

, 3-42-l (cabinet's Files: Director-General's visit to the Netherlands

, 3-7-l (cabinet's Files: Director-General's Mission to Belgium, pp.4-6

, Cabinet's Files: Brussels Five-Power Treaty (Cooperation between the countries of 'Western Europe). Collaboration with ILO), pp.6-11

, Cabinet's Files: Italy. press Comments on I, pp.6-8

, Z 8-l-16 (Cabinet's Files: Social Security Branch)

, Cabinet's Files: Social Security Section, lg44), pp.8-16

, cabinet's Files: staff euestions: osvald stein, pp.4-1947

, cabinet's Files: Regionalisation of the I.L.o.'s Activities), pp.8-12

, cabinet's Files: International Labour conference, pp.10-15

G. , , 1951.

, cabinet's Files: International Labour conference, pp.10-15

G. , , 1952.

, Z ll-9-l (Cabinet's Files: Social Security euestions)

, cabinet's Files: conespondence between Mr. carter Goodrich and Mr, pp.12-15, 1943.

, Cabinet's Files: Economic and Social Council. Economic Commission for Europe), pp.14-16

, Z l5-15-l (Cabinet's Files: Dossiers du Cabinet; CEE)

, Z l5-15-l (Cabinet's Files: European Economic Community)

. Literatur-und-quellenverzeichnis,

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