G. , E. , and ?. V. ,

, Since P uv is flippable, we have ? D Puv (u, v) ? k. By Lemma 74, this is equivalent to ? D (u, v) ? 1 ? k and thus we can conlude that ? D (u, v) > k. Now suppose that ? D (u, v) > k and let us prove that the pair (u, v) is flippable, i.e., D Puv is karc-connected, i.e., for all u , v we have ? D Puv (u v ) ? k, By Lemma, vol.74, issue.2

, Consider another path P uv from u to v and let us show that like P uv , it is a flippable path, Again, by Lemma, vol.74, issue.1

, Let D be k-connected

, there exists at least k + 1 disjoint paths from u to v in D, if and only if the procedure of reversing a path from u to v can be applied k + 1 times. Hence, a simple algorithm consists in finding a directed path P uv in D, reverse it and iterate in D Puv . We have ? D (u, v) > k if and only if this procedure can be applied k + 1 times. Each execution is a BFS, which yields the claimed running time, Proof. By Lemma, vol.74

?. Reverse and F. Pvu,

(. Enods, F. Pvu, and . {v},

, Function Reverse +, p.22

+. Reverse and F. Puv,

(. Enods, F. Puv, E. ?-{v}-;-g-=-(v, and F. , The function EnODS(D,F ) enumerates the k-connected outdegree sequences coinciding with D on F . Furthermore, Algorithm 21 enumerates all k-connected outdegree sequences of G exactly once and with a delay in O

, We prove the completeness of the described algorithm, then we show that there is no redundancy and finally we analyse its complexity

, ) outputs ? + D and the proposition holds. Consider now the case |V \ F | > 0 and let v ? V \ F be the next vertex. By induction EnODS(D,F ? {v}) enumerates every k-connected outdegree sequence coinciding with D on F ? {v} exactly once. We have to show that Reverse +, Completeness We show the first part of the proposition by induction on |V \ F |. If |V \ F | = 0, then EnODS

, On the other hand, it is easy to see that a graph G admits a 2-acyclic orientation if and only if G is the cover graph of a poset. The corresponding recognition problem is NP-complete [16] and the proof can be extended to show that testing whether G admits a k-acyclic orientation is NP-complete for any k ? 2. Using [26, Theorem 13] one can show that enumerating k-acyclic orientations (as well as k-vertex connected orientations for k > 2) are DelNP-hard under D-reductions and IncNP-hard under I-reduction. Since with an NP-oracle one can decide if a given partial orientation extends to one of these types, a flashlight backtrack search algorithm like Algorithm 14 yields that the above problems can be solved with a polynomial number of calls of an NP-oracle. Thus these problems are in the class DelNP (and a fortiori IncNP), and therefore are indeed complete in both settings, Efficient enumeration of k-arc-connected orientations in graphs kn 2 m) by Iwata and Kobayashi in [62] and Lovász's result which yields a running time in O

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