In vitro impact of physiological shear stress on endothelial cells gene expression profile
In the vascular system, the shear applied to the vascular wall activates mechano-sensors located on endothelial cells (ECs) leading to a modification in the gene expression profile. We applied laminar shear stress at 1 Pa on ECs for 6 h and measured by quantitative real time PCR the expression modulation of genes implied in inflammation (ICAM-1 and E-selectin), oxidative stress sensing (HO-1) and vascular tone modulation (eNOS). We showed that all these genes are shear stress inducible. ICAM-1 is more up-regulated than E-selectin suggesting different levels of implication in inflammatory responses and different modes of induction (SSRE, cytokine). Laminar shear stress induces an oxidative stress translated into HO-1 up-regulation, and a possible vasodilatation through the induction of eNOS. Our laminar shear stress system opens a novel and interesting frame in the evaluation of the impact on ECs and blood cells of new pharmacological substances injected in the bloodstream.