How to associate a dataset with a publication deposited in HAL ?

In HAL, it is possible to report datasets associated with publications, such as research articles or data papers that you deposit, as long as these datasets were published in a data repository

Caution: HAL-UL is not a data repository! The Université de Lorraine has its own institutional environment, DOREL (DOnnées de REcherche Lorraines), in the Recherche Data Gouv repository. It can be accessed to this following address:

The two prerequisites for linking one or more datasets to a publication deposited in HAL are as follows:

  • Having deposited a publication in HAL;
  • Having published a dataset in a data repository that attributes a DOI (digital object identifier). DOREL automatically provides a DOI to a published dataset, but this is also the case for other data repositories, such as Zenodo, Dryad, Pangaea...

For advice on data repositories or any other question related to research data, please write to


Once these two conditions have been met, you can link a dataset and a publication in HAL.

Two situations are possible:

Some data repositories may not attribute a DOI to the published dataset. However, it is possible to indicate the dataset in the record (case 3).

Case 1: associating a dataset with a publication from the creation of the record in HAL

Caution: the dataset DOI is different from the publication DOI!

Screen shot of the field

Case 2: Associating a dataset with a publication a posteriori

Case 3: Report a dataset without a DOI

If the data repository has not attributed a DOI to the published dataset, you can enter the dataset URL in the "Other information" section, in the "See also > URL of resource(s) linked to this work" sub-section.

Screen shot of the field

If you have any problems associating a dataset with a publication, please write to

Useful ressources

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