Journal Articles Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Year : 2015

Biocompatible dextran-covered nanoparticles produced by Activator Generated by Electron Transfer Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization in miniemulsion


Aiming to prepare potentially biocompatible dextran-covered nanoparticles (NPs), the use of a pharmaceutically acceptable oil (Miglyol 810, M810-a medium chain saturated triglyceride) as co-stabilizer and of amphiphilic dextran derivatives (DexP tau) as stabilizers was investigated for Activator Generated by Electron Transfer Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (AGET ATRP) of methyl methacrylate in miniemulsion. We showed that, as compared to several oils, M810 was the most suitable co-stabilizer. Indeed, it efficiently prevented diffusional degradation and contributed to solubilize ATRP catalytic systems in organic phase (methyl methacrylate + 5 vol% of co-stabilizer). Better control over polymerization and nano-objects size was achieved for polymerization with M810 compared to a standard co-stabilizer (hexadecane). Indeed, with the appropriate formulation conditions, NPs size was very similar to the one of initial emulsion nanodroplets and more than 85% of the initial DexPT amount was adsorbed at NPs surface. A convenient procedure to eliminate copper from the finals NPs was also experienced.
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hal-01497728 , version 1 (29-03-2017)



Laura Maria Ramirez, Jérôme Babin, Alain Durand, Jean-Luc Six, Cécile Nouvel. Biocompatible dextran-covered nanoparticles produced by Activator Generated by Electron Transfer Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization in miniemulsion. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 486, pp.60-68. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.09.023⟩. ⟨hal-01497728⟩
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