Cumulative Length of Bowel Resection in a Population-Based Cohort of Patients With Crohn's Disease
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Little is known about the cumulative extent of bowel resection among patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Using the resources of the Rochester Epidemiology Project, we identified a cohort of 310 incident cases of Crohn's disease from Olmsted County, Minnesota who were diagnosed between 1970 and 2004. Operative and pathology reports were reviewed for bowel resection length. Median bowel resection lengths (with interquartile range [IQR]) were calculated per resection, cumulatively, and as a rate per year of follow-up. RESULTS: One hundred forty-seven patients underwent 1 or more bowel resections. The median follow-up time per patient was 13.6 years (range, 0.2-39 years). Among the 141 patients with resection data available, 211 resections were performed (100 patients with 1 resection, 24 with 2 resections, 9 with 3 resections, 6 with 4 resections, 1 with 5 resections, and 1 patient with 7 resections). The median length of bowel resected was 40 cm (IQR, 22-65 cm) at any resection. The median cumulative length of bowel resected was 64 cm (38-93 cm) during the follow-up period. The median (IQR) rate of bowel resected was 4.2 cm total bowel annually (2.8-7.7 cm). The median length resected was highest for the first resection (52 cm; IQR, 32-71 cm). A mixed regression analysis showed that the length of the first resection was significantly greater than that of the second (P=.002), without significant differences between the second and third or subsequent resections. CONCLUSIONS: In a population-based cohort of patients with Crohn's disease, the median cumulative length of total bowel resected was 64 cm during the follow-up period; the median rate of bowel loss due to resection was 4.2 cm annually.