Impact of the A influenza pandemic on anti-seasonal influenza vaccination of French general practitioners: A cohort follow-up 2007-2010
Impact de la pandémie de grippe A sur la vaccination des médecins généralistes français contre la grippe saisonnière : suivi d’une cohorte entre 2007 et 2010
Our objective was to assess the impact of the A influenza pandemic on the anti-seasonal influenza vaccination of French general practitioners.
A survey was conducted in 2007 in a random sample of general practitioners. A second survey conducted in 2010 included all general practitioners who had not been vaccinated in 2007 and one-third of those who had been.
Responses were obtained from 1010 general practitioners in 2007. The coverage rate of anti-seasonal influenza vaccination reached 73%. In 2010, the coverage was 73.5% and rate of anti-A influenza vaccination was 59% (weighted numbers). Between the two surveys, 130 family physicians (15.5%) changed their behavior. Analysis showed that the A influenza pandemic had a slight positive impact on anti-seasonal influenza vaccination.
This first cohort of French general practitioners concerning influenza vaccination found the same anti-seasonal influenza vaccination rates widely reported in the literature and showed that the A influenza pandemic had slight impact on it.