Cyclic and monotonic responses of double shear single dowelled timber connections made of hardwood species: Experimental investigations
This paper presents experimental investigations on monotonic and cyclic behaviours of hardwood timber
joints. Two sets of connections have been tested: double shear single dowelled timber-to-timber and
slotted-in steel plate-to-timber joints. Three wood species have been considered: two hardwood species,
namely beech and oak, and spruce for comparison purpose. Both monotonic and cyclic performances of
joints have been evaluated and compared to the corresponding values calculated based on the Eurocode
5. The obtained results show clearly the potential interest and performances of hardwood structural
joints for high load bearing capacity, as compared to their equivalent softwood joints. The obtained
results showed also that the predictions of the European Yield Model regarding the load-carrying capac-
ity penalize the joints made of hardwood species