Journal Articles Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews Year : 2021

Experimental Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of New Compressed Clay Formulations Stabilized with Gum Arabic, Measurement and Impact on Summer Comfort


Our work expressed that compressed and stabilized clay with arabic gum is a suitable building material in regards to the mechanical properties. This paper presents an experimental study of the determination of thermal conductivity in a steady state cylindrical geometry configuration approach. The results obtained give a thermal conductivity in the order of 1 W.m-1. K-1, quite similar to other building materials. On the other hand, because of its inertia, the material dampens the temperature variations between the inside and the outside.
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hal-03546646 , version 1 (28-01-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03546646 , version 1


Tanguier Jean - Louis, Abakar Ali, Abdallah Dadi Mahamat, A. Donnot, Jean-Michel Drouet. Experimental Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of New Compressed Clay Formulations Stabilized with Gum Arabic, Measurement and Impact on Summer Comfort. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews, 2021, 7 (1), pp.1-14. ⟨hal-03546646⟩
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