Forest Insurance for Natural Events: An Overview by Economists
Forest insurance exists for more than a century in lots of countries around the world. Currently, it is put forward as a recommended tool to finance resilience and adaptation towards climate change. However, little synthetic knowledge exists on forest insurance, although this seems to be a prerequisite for using insurance as an adaptation tool. This article aims at providing an overview of the current economics literature on the topic of forest insurance. More precisely, the objectives of this study are to carry out a review of the literature on this topic, to produce a bibliometric overview of knowledge on this issue, and thus to highlight scientific fronts. For that purpose, we propose a literature review. We collected 38 articles published in English between 1928 and 2021. We provide the following bibliometric information: journals, evolution over time of the publications, authors and co-citations network and analysis of the keywords. We also propose to synthesize the methods used, the various issues of interest, the risks considered and the countries where the studies were conducted. We show that an article on forest insurance has a high probability of being recent (after 2000) and of being published in the journal Forest Policy and Economics. In addition, it is highly probable that it will identify some determinants of insurance demand and that it will deal with fire risk in the U.S. or storm risk in Europe. Noting a small scientific community and a low number of publications, we identified seven fronts of science related to methods and data, new risks and uncertainties, public policies and forest insurance, and openness and the international dimension.