Conference Papers Year : 2018

Maximum Lateness Minimization on Two-Parallel Machine with a Non-availability Interval


In this paper, we consider the two-parallel machine scheduling problem with a non-availability interval. We aim to minimize the maximum lateness when every job has a positive tail. We show that the problem has a constant polynomial approximation algorithm. We present a dynamic programming algorithm and we show that the problem has an FPTAS (Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Algorithm). The proposed FPTAS has a strongly polynomial running time. Finally, we present some numerical experiments and we analyze the obtained results.
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hal-04000391 , version 1 (22-02-2023)



Gais Alhadi, Imed Kacem, Pierre Laroche, Izzeldin Osman. Maximum Lateness Minimization on Two-Parallel Machine with a Non-availability Interval. 2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Apr 2018, Thessaloniki, France. pp.757-762, ⟨10.1109/CoDIT.2018.8394831⟩. ⟨hal-04000391⟩
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