The Puy-les-Vignes breccia pipe (Massif Central, France): a unique occurrence of polymetallic W-Nb±Ta-HREE-Bi-Cu-As±Au-Ag mineralization in the Variscan belt
The Puy-les-Vignes deposit (Limousin, French Massif Central) represents an uncommon occurrence in the West European Variscan belt of a hydrothermal tungsten mineralization associated with a breccia pipe structure. A new study of this atypical quartz-wolframite-tourmaline deposit has been possible, allowing to revisit the mineral paragenesis and to identify four main successive stages of mineralization: (i) W-As -Nb±Ta stage corresponding to the historically economic mineralization hosted in quartz-wolframite-arsenopyrite veins; (ii) Fe-Cu-Zn±Mo stage represented by the deposition of base metal sulphides; (iii) Nb-Y-HREE stage associated with a late hydrothermal paragenesis in a tourmaline, adularia and chlorite matrix; (iv) Bi±Au-Ag stage, related to the late-Variscan regional metallogenic event in the Limousin.
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