Journal Articles Construction and Building Materials Year : 2013

A new approach to model nailed and screwed timber joints using the finite element method


This paper presents a novel way to simulate the behaviour of nailed and screwed timber joints, using the finite element method. In order to avoid the detailed 3D modelling of nails (or screws) using solid elements, which is costly ineffective, the authors proposed and developed an approach based on beam-to-solid coupling where the nails (or screws) were modelled using one-dimensional beam element, while the assembled timber members were modelled using solid elements. To deal with the coupling between the degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) belonging to the screws and those belonging to the timber, the existing 2-node beam element has been modified involving in a 4-node beam element with only translational d.o.f. per node, leading in fact to a full compatibility with solid elements. Using the numerical approach developed, the linear elastic behaviour of a push-out shear test of a single shear timber-to-timber connection was successfully simulated.

Dates and versions

hal-01593620 , version 1 (26-09-2017)



E-M. Meghlat, M. Oudjene, H. Ait-Aider, J-L. Batoz. A new approach to model nailed and screwed timber joints using the finite element method. Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 41, pp.263-269. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.11.068⟩. ⟨hal-01593620⟩
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