X-ray pelvimetry practice survey in Northeast French maternities
Enquête sur la pratique de la radiopelvimétrie dans les maternités de l’inter-région Nord-Est
To describe and compare the indications and modalities of X-ray pelvimetry in obstetrical practice in the Northeast French maternities.
An anonymous questionnaire was sent to the heads of obstetric departments in the Northeast French maternities. The questionnaire was built around four issues: description of the hospital characteristics, assessment of the obstetrical prognosis (modalities of delivery), indications and modalities of X-ray pelvimetry.
The response rate was 47%. The evaluation of the obstetrical prognosis was performed in 77% of maternities. Indications were: breech presentation (86%), suspicion of fetal-pelvic disproportion (78%), mother size lesser than 150cm (64%) and previous caesarean section (42%). Pelvic computed tomography was performed in the majority of the maternities (94%), between 35 and 37 weeks of amenorrhea (47%). Level III maternities and maternities with more than 2000 deliveries per year seemed to observe fewer indications than other maternities, but these indications were still globally excessive, comparing with the Collège national des gynécologues et obstétriciens français' recommendations.
These results should lead professionals to develop an assessment of their practices about the indications of X-ray pelvimetry.