Master Thesis Year : 2014

Caractérisation fonctionnelle des communautés bactériennes associées à la truffe noire du Périgord au cours de son cycle de vie


The black truffle Tuber melanosporum is a hypogeous ectomycorrhizal ascomycete fungus which evolved during its development from an open form, in contact with the ground, to a closed one, alowing to a potential specialization of the ascocarp. This is why it is a good model for studying bacterial communities associated with ascocarpe or mycorhizae. Functional characterization of bacterial strains isolated from the ascocarp, mycorrhizae and the surrounding bulk soil at two stages of development illustrates a taxonomic and functional structuration. The truffle compatments appeared enriched in bacterial strains with high enzymatic potential compared to those of the surrounding soil. Although the functional tests used hère did not allow to conclude about the role of bacterial communities. Nevertheless, the results suggest a potential role in the maturation of the truffle.


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Océane Nicolitch. Caractérisation fonctionnelle des communautés bactériennes associées à la truffe noire du Périgord au cours de son cycle de vie. Biotechnologies. 2014. ⟨hal-01842325⟩
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