CD4 T Lymphocyte Proliferative Responses to Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antigens in Patients Coinfected with HCV and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Who Responded to Anti‐HCV Treatment
CD4 T lymphocyte proliferative responses to hepatitis C virus (HCV) antigens were evaluated before and during an anti-HCV regimen (interferon-alpha2a and ribavirin) in 36 patients coinfected with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), to determine whether immune responses against HCV antigens are present in such patients, whether these responses are modified by anti-HCV treatment, and whether they are correlated with treatment efficacy. The CD4 responses against HCV antigens (primarily core antigens) detected at study entry in one-half of the patients did not correlate with anti-HCV treatment efficacy. Of 36 patients, 8 had patterns of persistent immune response to infection by genotypes 3 or 4 that were significantly correlated with sustained virologic response. Persistent immunologic reactivity and sustained virologic response coexisted only in patients infected with genotype 3. These findings suggest that HCV genotype may influence specific immune response, which, in turn, is implicated in virologic control.