Nudge: A relevant communication tool adapted for agile innovation
This research aims to show the interest of nudges as a communication tool
for organizations involved in an agile innovation approach. It describes how
the flexibility, adaptability and low cost of nudges strengthen the ability of
the organizations that use them to improve their agility. From a literature
review on the nudges and agile innovation concepts, we propose a typology
of nudges with a managerial orientation. Based on this typology we show in
a last section how nudges represent a tool that is perfectly suited to innova-
tive organizations wishing to develop their agility, whether in the context of
their communications to their employees or their customers. Lastly, research
perspectives are envisaged around the concept of agile communication.
Is part of hal-04905687 Text Laurent Dupont. Agile Innovation. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 1 (28), pp.234, 2019. ⟨hal-04905687⟩