Nationwide survey of hospital antibiotic stewardship programs in France
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the current state of antibiotic stewardship (ABS) in French public and private acute care hospitals.METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional online questionnaire survey. The selection of participating hospitals was performed through a stratified random sampling procedure among all French public and private hospitals with acute care beds.RESULTS: 97/215 (45%) hospitals participated. A formal ABS program was implemented in 84% (80/95) of hospitals. A person officially in charge of this program (i.e., ABS program leader) was present in almost all participating hospitals (99%, 95/96) and s/he coordinated a multidisciplinary ABS team in 42% (40/96) of cases. The median time spent on ABS activities was 1.7, 1.6, and 0.8hours/week/100 acute care beds for infectious disease (ID) specialists, pharmacists, and microbiologists respectively; 27% (7/26) of ID specialists/other clinicians, 58% (15/26) of pharmacists, and 80% (16/20) of microbiologists received no salary support for the stewardship activities conducted as part of the team. Local guidelines (94%, 88/94), electronic medical records (85%, 80/94), and an antibiotic restriction policy (92%, 82/89) were implemented in almost all hospitals. Reports on antibiotic consumption and local resistance rates were available in 100% (91/91) and 84% (76/91) of hospitals, respectively.CONCLUSION: Despite the existence of national requirements, hospital ABS programs are not fully implemented in France, mainly because of inadequate institutional support and funding.
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