8th Santorini Conference: Systems medicine and personalized health and therapy, Santorini, Greece, 3–5 October 2016
Sophie Visvikis-Siest
Alex-Ander Aldasoro Arguinano
Maria Stathopoulou
Ting Xie
Alexandros Petrelis
Georges Weryha
Philippe Froguel
Peter Meier-Abt
Urs Meyer
Vid Mlakar
Marc Ansari
Andreas Papassotiropoulos
Georges Dedoussis
Baishen Pan
Roland Bühlmann
Mario Noyer-Weidner
Pierre-Yves Dietrich
Ron van Schaik
Federico Innocenti
Winfried März
Lynn Bekris
Panos Deloukas
Interactions Gène-Environnement en Physiopathologie Cardio-Vasculaire
2 IBL - Institut de biologie de Lille - UMS 3702
3 Biozentrum [Basel, Suisse]
4 HUG - Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève = University Hospitals of Geneva
5 Harokopio University of Athens
6 MPIMG - Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
7 Erasmus MC - Erasmus University Medical Center [Rotterdam]
8 UNC - University of North Carolina [Chapel Hill]
9 Cleveland Clinic
10 QMUL - Queen Mary University of London
2 IBL - Institut de biologie de Lille - UMS 3702
3 Biozentrum [Basel, Suisse]
4 HUG - Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève = University Hospitals of Geneva
5 Harokopio University of Athens
6 MPIMG - Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
7 Erasmus MC - Erasmus University Medical Center [Rotterdam]
8 UNC - University of North Carolina [Chapel Hill]
9 Cleveland Clinic
10 QMUL - Queen Mary University of London
Sophie Visvikis-Siest
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 740132
- IdHAL : sofia-siest
- ORCID : 0000-0001-8104-8425
- IdRef : 101311532
Baishen Pan
- Function : Author
Roland Bühlmann
- Function : Author
Winfried März
- Function : Author