Conference Papers Year : 2015

Effect of strain path changes on metal plasticity: biaxial tensile tests coupled with in-situ scanning electron microscopy and with in-situ transmission x-ray diffraction.


Most of the knowledge on mechanical behavior has been derived from conventional uniaxial tests. However industrial production of metallic components consists in many strain path changes, which modify drastically their mechanical response. In this framework, in-situ testing can give valuable insights on deformation mechanisms which could appear or could be modified during strain path changes. With the on-going miniaturization of engineering components there is an increasing need for novel deformation devices that can handle samples below the micrometer scale. While in-situ miniaturized uniaxial deformation set-ups are nowadays relatively common, miniaturized multi-axial deformation devices are less frequent yet. For instance there exist only few biaxial tensile set-ups combined either with a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations (Tasan et al. Exp. Mech, 2012) or coupled with x-ray reflection diffraction (Geandier et al., Rev. Sc. Inst., 2010). But none combines nanometer scale deformation with in-situ microscopy observations or with transmission x-ray diffraction on small bulk materials. In this framework, we have developed a miniaturized biaxial tensile machine working either in synchrotron (for transmission or reflection x-ray diffraction) or in SEM environments for in-situ measurements of bulk metallic sheets. Firstly, technological challenges such as sample shape optimization, sample machining and machine design will be presented [1]. Secondly first in-situ results will be discussed and they clearly show the full potentialities of this new complex testing set-up [2]. References: [1] Picosecond pulsed laser ablation for microscale sample preparation. A. Guitton, A. Irastorza-Landa, R. Broenimann, D. Grolimund, S. Van Petegem, H. Van Swygenhoven MATERIALS LETTER, 2015, 160 (1), 589–591 [2] A miniaturized biaxial deformation rig for in-situ mechanical testing. S. Van Petegem, A. Guitton, M. Dupraz, A. Bollhalder, K. Sofinowski, M.V. Upadhyay, H. Van Swygenhoven EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 2017, 57 (4), 569–580
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hal-03135694 , version 1 (09-02-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03135694 , version 1


Antoine Guitton, Alex Bollhalder, Steven van Petegem, Helena van Swygenhoven. Effect of strain path changes on metal plasticity: biaxial tensile tests coupled with in-situ scanning electron microscopy and with in-situ transmission x-ray diffraction.. ICSMA17, Aug 2015, Brno, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-03135694⟩


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