Study the Impact of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Multi-terminal DC Grid
Multi-terminal DC network (MTDC) offers great potential for long distance huge power delivery with multi-direction power transmission capability. However, the key obstacle in a realization of MTDC is the lack of existing commercial protection device can withstand the DC fault that rises rapidly and surge tenfold within several milliseconds over the whole system. The new technology called Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) could bring a solution to the main bottleneck of the MTDC networks. In this work, a novel approach of an accurate model of resistive type SFCL in series with proactive hybrid DC circuit breaker is proposed to protect five terminal MTDC network. The system tested under the worst DC fault scenario. The numerical analysis carried out using (EMTP-RV) software, and the simulation results show how effectively SFCL can reduces the fault current and increases the breaking capability. Not only that, but increases the system stability also.