Tying seismic to well data using structural uncertainties
In order to tie final depth migrated interpretations to well locations, one method used is often to compute a vertical stretching map and apply it to the depth image. The authors want to propose here an alternative method for this tying, using principal uncertainty directions to decide how to move each individual surface element so that the global interpretations fits the well data. These uncertainty directions are an approximation of the displacement vector of a surface element for a given velocity error. They are used for both associating each well location to a surface location, and for estimating a velocity error coefficient to be applied on the interpretations. Extensive use of the G{bigcirc}CAD software is made throughout the process. It is used for the preliminary steps of building the depth surfaces, and allows the attachment of user-defined properties, such as the uncertainty vector coordinates and the velocity error coefficient, to be stored on the surface locations as well. It also provides the basic tools needed for 3D proximity checking, as well as a powerful built-in interpolation method.