Poster Communications Year : 2003

Assessing deformation and fracturation with volumic balanced restoration


This poster illustrates a methodology to characterize fracturation and assess induced permeability based on connectivity analysis. Fractures parameters (density, size, aperture...) are stochastically generated from well data. Secondary information (soft data) is an analogue parameter that integrates all available indirect information on fractures (seismic attributes, strain, stress, curvatures...). Multivariate statistics are used to find the best non-linear combination of indirect parameters that fits observed parameters on wells. Strain related information (tensor, principal strain direction and elongations) can be easily computed over all a defined volume using 3D balanced unfolding based on tetrahedral meshes. It may enhance greatly the quality of the analogue fracture parameter. A new methodology derived from mechanics of continuum media allows to estimate the restored geometry and a static strain associated with the folding / faulting process.
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Dates and versions

hal-04056024 , version 1 (03-04-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04056024 , version 1


Pierre Muron, Laurent Souche, Laetitia Macé, Jean Laurent Mallet. Assessing deformation and fracturation with volumic balanced restoration. SPE workshop on "Challenging Reservoirs: Providing the Petrophysical Solutions.", 2003, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ⟨hal-04056024⟩
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