The dialogical capture: Analysis and application of Roe and Roxburgh's hierarchical model of cold-reading strategies during state demonstrations of mediumship
Several studies on medium-sitter interactions from a dialogical perspective show how mediums manage their epistemic authority in successive interactional turns. Our study focuses precisely on the "victorious shift" when a medium provides specific information about a sitter without the latter having the impression of having provided it. The dialogue between the pseudopsychic and the client has been assimilated to [this doesn't seem the right word-is 'equated to' better?] a "cold reading", or a "dialogical drainage" as coined by the French sociologist Bertrand Méheust (2004), which does not involve any paranormal process of information acquisition. There are clear indications that the cold-reading "process" actually consists of a number of discrete and independent strategies. The aim of this article is to describe Roe and Roxburgh's hierarchical model and its limits, to suggest some refinements, and to apply it through a dialogue analysis of an excerpt of a mediumship stage demonstration.