High risk of stroke in patients with worsening heart failure, reduced ejection fraction, coronary heart disease and sinus rhythm
Background Patients with heart failure, reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and sinus rhythm have a heightened risk of stroke. Whether anticoagulation benefits these patients is uncertain. In this posthoc analysis of COMMANDER-HF trial we evaluated how a previously validated risk model consisting of three variables (history of prior stroke, insulin-treated diabetes, and NTproBNP) would perform, compared to plasma D-dimer, for stroke prediction and estimation of the benefit of low-dose rivaroxaban.
Methods and results Stroke risk and treatment effect were computed across risk score and plasma D-dimer tertiles. Risk score was available in 2,928 (58%) of the COMMANDER-HF population. Over a median follow-up of 512 (342-747) days, 60 patients experienced a stroke (14.6 per 1000 patient-years). The risk model did not identify patients at higher risk of stroke and showed a low overall prognostic performance (C-index=0.53). The effect of rivaroxaban on stroke was homogeneous across risk score tertiles (P-interaction=0.67). Among patients in whom the risk score was estimated, D-dimer was available in 2,343 (80%). D-dimer had an acceptable performance for stroke prediction (C-index=0.66) and higher plasma D-dimer concentrations were associated with higher rates of stroke (i.e. T3 vs. T1, HR 3.65 [95%CI 1.59-8.39], P=0.002). Treatment with lowdose rivaroxaban reduced the incidence of stroke in patients at highest risk by D-dimer levels (i.e. >515 ng/mL; HR 0.42 [95%CI 0.18-0.95], P-interaction=0.074), without any safety concern.
Conclusions In our analysis, plasma D-dimer concentrations performed better than a previously described three-variable risk score for stroke prediction in patients with HFrEF, a recent clinical worsening and sinus rhythm as enrolled in the COMMANDER-HF trial. In these patients, a raised plasma D-dimer concentration identified patients who might benefit most from rivaroxaban.
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