Conference Papers Year : 2022

Age discrimination in COVID 19 Pandemic: Public policies, discourses and practices in France in a comparative perspective


The contribution presents preliminary results of the RIDPA international research from the French team in a comparative perspective. It draws on 3 different methods: public policy analysis based on compilation of legislations and soft law, a press content analysis of 2 daily newspapers and 2 weekly magazines (n= 169 articles), and qualitative interviews conducted with leaders of the civil society and public decision makers (n= 28 interviews) between June and November 2021. The research shows that no evidence proves the existence of formal discriminatory measures regarding health and access to emergencies against older people during COVID pandemic. However, interviews and media reports show suspicion of ageist stands and/or decision making especially in periods of strong stress on resources. As age discrimination in lockdown became a political issue in some country like France, the study also shows that public and media awareness influenced policies to such an extent that it forced government to shape age neutral decision during the phase of lifting lockdown measures. Still, agism is reported in looming behavior and attitudes against older people as individuals or as social groups, in the media analysis as well as in interviews.


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hal-04437699 , version 1 (04-02-2024)



  • HAL Id : hal-04437699 , version 1


Jean-Philippe Viriot Durandal, Radoslav Gruev, Yan Virriat. Age discrimination in COVID 19 Pandemic: Public policies, discourses and practices in France in a comparative perspective. Health and Wellbeing in (Post-) Pandemic Times, Hong Kong Sociological Association 23rd Annual Conference, Hong Kong Sociological Association, Dec 2022, Hong Kong, China. ⟨hal-04437699⟩
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