Mobile money adoption and households’ vulnerability to shocks: Evidence from Togo
We investigate the determinants of mobile money adoption process and whether its use helps households in Togo to be resilient to predictable and unpredictable life events. Using ordered logit and sequential logit models, our results show that in the adoption process, households benefit from weak ties of social groups such as religious group and informal saving group for the adoption of mobile money. We equally find that being client of banks or microfinance institutions act as powerful channels from one step to another in the process. Besides, our findings reveal that households whoever use mobile money seem to be more resilient to climatic shocks such as drought, irregular rain, soil degradation, erosion and fertility reduction and to shock that affect households’ assets (non-climatic: high prices of agricultural inputs). However, the picture is more contrasted when the individuals are classified by disadvantaged groups such as rural people, women, less educated and people with low incomes.