Books Year : 2020

Textuality and Translation

Monica Latham
Catherine Chauvin


This volume contains eight articles that offer a variety of perspectives on the relationship between the text, which can be seen as a variable-shaped object – be it written or spoken, pictorial or digital –, and the act of translation. It wishes to question the way translation could impact the form of a text, i.e. the role translation may play in shaping, constructing, and eventually fabricating a text. The collected edition focuses on the text viewed as an object of study in itself, while choosing an interdisciplinary approach since it brings together literary, linguistic, cultural, and multimodal perspectives. It also fosters combined interest in both theory and practice with contributions from researchers and professional translators, and includes recent approaches to the question. The collection comes to bear upon text-making (edition) and text-shaping (textuality, or 'texture') in a number of ways that make it directly relevant to studies of the book, publishing and textuality.
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hal-02934709 , version 1 (09-09-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-02934709 , version 1


Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham, Catherine Chauvin, Céline Sabiron (Dir.). Textuality and Translation. Presses Universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine. Book Practices & Textual Itineraries (6), 255 pp., 2020, Nathalie Collé et Monica Latham, 978-2-8143-0335-5. ⟨hal-02934709⟩
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