Journal Articles AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications / Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik Year : 2020

FPGA implementation of UWB-IR impulse generator and its corresponding decoder based on discrete wavelet packet


In this paper, we propose an IR-UWB pulse generator and its corresponding decoder using respectively inverse discrete wavelet packet transform (IDWPT) and the discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) with various wavelets (Haar, Db2, Db4, Coif2, rbio1.5). These architectures being based on FIR filters, polyphase structure were chosen to easily suit in FPGA because of their parallel structures. The interpolator and decimator filter has been optimized using multiplexers to improve the delay, further the N-tap filter is divided into N/2-tap filters in parallel. The result comparisons in terms of BER has been shown for all wavelets through a Gaussian channel transmission. The results confirm the same transmission quality due to the perfect reconstruction property between the proposed IDWPT and DWPT implementation whatever the wavelet types that can be associated with sensors. We designed architectures of receiver and transmitter based on studied wavelets and we implemented them in FPGA to visualize generated pulses by experiences. The proposed FPGA implementations of IDWPT and DWPT architectures for Haar wavelet only require 3888 LUT/740 FF and 5359 LUT/996 FF, respectively, while providing low power consumption. The hardware and timing comparisons with existing techniques prove that our architectures are better. Our proposal permits a low complexity and good performance. Indeed, in transmitter part, one block can simultaneously generate pulses and modulate them. In receiver part, we replace a correlator used in a traditional IR-UWB system and generally complicated by our simple architecture.
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hal-02967239 , version 1 (21-07-2022)




Christophe H. Kizil, Camille Diou, Mohamed Rabiai, Camel Tanougast. FPGA implementation of UWB-IR impulse generator and its corresponding decoder based on discrete wavelet packet. AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications / Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik, 2020, 113, pp.152971. ⟨10.1016/j.aeue.2019.152971⟩. ⟨hal-02967239⟩
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