Comprehensive characterization of dislocations by Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging in SEM : Practical and fundamental aspects
In Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) is a nondestructive diffraction-based technique that allows direct observation and comprehensive characterization of crystalline defects on bulk samples [1]. ECCI takes advantage from the strong dependence between the backscattred electrons intensity and the crystal orientation relative to the incident electron beam.Defects, such as dislocations, can be imaged with a visibility of depth below the surface of about a hundred nanometers (the same order of magnitude of the thickness of a TEM thin foil). It has been shown that a fine control of the channeling conditions is absolutely required to get strong contrast generated by these linear defects [2].In this work, fundamental and experimental aspects of electron diffraction for characterizing dislocations by ECCI are reported. Interpretation of contrast in (g,-g) and its evolution along Kikuchi band are given [3]. Experimentally, the potentiality of this technique is explored to study the evolution of the TiAl alloys microstructure before and after deformation at room temperature [4]. References[1]Mansour, H., Guyon, J., Crimp, M.A., Gey, N., Beausira, B., Maloufi, N. Scripta. Mater. 84–85 (2014) 11–14. [2]Mansour, H., Crimp, M.A., Gey, N., Maloufi, N. Scripta. Mater. 109 (2015) 76–79.[3]Kriaa, H., Guitton, A., Maloufi, N. Scientific Reports.7 (2017) 9742.[4]Guitton, A., Kriaa, H., Bouzy, E., Guyon, J., Maloufi, N. Materials.