Poster Communications Year : 2018

Electroanalytical development for indium speciation analysis

José-Paulo F Pinheiro


Recent studies have pointed out a growing input of indium element in the environment as a result of its use in the manufacturing of high-technology products. However, the geochemical fate of Indium in natural waters is still poorly understood. Therefore, reliable and easy-handling analytical tools for indium speciation analysis is then required. Voltammetric techniques are pertinent for in situ measurements of trace-metal speciation, providing detection with high sensitivity and resolution. In this work [1], we report the possibility to measure the total and free indium concentrations in solution using two complementary electroanalytical techniques, respectively SCP (Stripping Chronopotentiometry) and AGNES (Absence of Gradients and Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping).[2] Regarding SCP two types of set-ups are tested, opening the possibilities for laboratory studies and field applications. For total metal concentration, an excellent limit of detection (LOD) of 0.5 nM was obtained in the laboratory set-up (Figure 1) while a reasonable LOD of 30 nM for the field set-up. The free metal determination determined using AGNES technique shows satisfactory LOD’s up to 1.4 nM on the laboratory set-up. Since the interaction of Indium with natural organic matter is expected to be one key for indium speciation in environment, we decided to test AGNES in presence of a well-characterised humic sample,[3] as a representative colloidal phase in freshwaters. We then verified that AGNES was able to provide robust speciation data in experiments in presence of humic matters. This study demonstrates highly satisfactory sensing performance and robustness of these two techniques. Their main advantages are that they are easy to implement, they exhibit a high sensitivity (nanomolar detection) together with good result reproducibility.The complementarity of these two analytical tools will be benefit for the further in-depth thermodynamic analysis of the Indium binding with molecular or colloidal ligands. The development of electroanalytical techniques dedicated for indium speciation would also open new routes for using Indium as a potential tracer for biogeochemical processes of trivalent elements in aquifers. References [1] Rotureau E., Pinheiro J.P. Towards improving the electroanalytical analysis of indium speciation, (submitted). [2] Tehrani M.H., Companys E., Dago A., Puy J., Galceran J., Free indium concentration determined with AGNES, Sci. Total Environ. 612 (2018) [3] Botero W.G., Pineau M., Janot N., Domingos R.F., Mariano J., Rocha L.S., Groenenberg J., Benedetti M.F., Pinheiro J.P., Isolation and purifications treatments change the metal binding properties of humic acids: effect of the HF/HCl treatment. Environmental Chemistry 14(7) 417-424 (2018).
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hal-03140187 , version 1 (12-02-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03140187 , version 1


Elise Rotureau, José-Paulo F Pinheiro. Electroanalytical development for indium speciation analysis. IAP Interfaces Against Pollution, Jun 2018, La grande Motte, France. ⟨hal-03140187⟩
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