Effect of mechanical and geometrical properties on dynamic behavior of asymmetrical composite sandwich beam with viscoelastic core
This paper presents an approach to the analysis of free and forced vibrations of strengthened sandwich beam with viscoelastic core and composite coats by considering geometrical asymmetry. A higher-orde theory is used considering longitudinal and rotational inertias as well as the asymmetry of sandwich beam. The formulation of the equation of motion is carried out by Hamilton principle. A comparative study to validate the proposed numerical approach is performed comparing the obtained results with other findings. Moreover, a parametric analysis is carried out with different configurations of the sandwich beams in order to analyze the influence of different parameters on the dynamic behavior. The analysis highlighted from the study of fiber orientation influence on dynamic behavior, that the structure damping can be improved by adopting a better composite configuration. However, the obtained results from the thickness ratio effect showed that the sandwich structure has more dissipative capacity for low values of viscoelastic thickness and it is more efficient for asymmetrical sandwich beam.